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Tehran: UN Nuclear Chief Will Visit Iran Soon

An Iranian official says the head of the UN nuclear watchdog agency will visit Iran soon for further talks on the inspection of Iran's nuclear facilities.

In comments broadcast on September 15, Iranian nuclear agency chief Ali Akbar Salehi said Yukiya Amano, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, would travel to Tehran "within the next three to four days."

Salehi also said a 12-member team of IAEA inspectors are scheduled to arrive in Tehran on September 15.

Iran and world powers reached a historic nuclear deal in July that curbs Tehran's disputed nuclear program in return for the lifting of international sanctions.

Based on reporting by AP and dpa

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EU Says It's 'Ready To Engage' With Iran's Incoming President

Masud Pezeshkian (file photo)
Masud Pezeshkian (file photo)

The European Union has said it is ready to get involved in talks with the winner of Iran's presidential election, Masud Pezeshkian, following his July 6 victory. "We take note of the results of the presidential elections in Iran and congratulate President-elect Masud Pezeshkian," Nabila Massrali, the EU's spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, said on X. "We are ready to engage with the new government in line with EU policy of critical engagement," Massrali wrote. Pezeshkian has called for "constructive relations" with Western countries and favors reviving the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and global powers.

Iran's New Reformist President Unlikely To Bring Major Policy Shifts

Iran's New Reformist President Unlikely To Bring Major Policy Shifts
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Moderate reformist Masud Pezeshkian, the winner of Iran's runoff presidential vote on July 5, defeated ultraconservative hard-liner Saeed Jalili. Pezeshkian's victory came amid a turnout of 49.8 percent, following the record-low 40 percent in the first round of the election. Experts say Pezeshkian is coming into a system dominated by conservatives and that the president-elect has been careful not to overpromise on reforms.

'Reformist Loyalist' Masud Pezeshkian Is Iran's New President. Here's What To Expect.

Masud Pezeshkian has said he wants to reach out to the West, though he has his his work cut out for him.
Masud Pezeshkian has said he wants to reach out to the West, though he has his his work cut out for him.

Elections in Iran are neither free nor fair, but they can still surprise. The election of reformist veteran lawmaker Masud Pezeshkian as Iran’s new president is one of those surprises.

Pezeshkian beat his ultraconservative rival Saeed Jalili in a runoff vote on July 5, winning more than 16.3 million votes in an election that saw a 49.8 percent turnout.

“Pezeshkian’s victory was a total surprise; he was really the unexpected candidate to come through this election,” said Sanam Vakil, director of the Middle East and North Africa program at the London-based Chatham House.

She said the political establishment, and even many in society, anticipated conservative parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf’s victory, but he did not even make it to the second round of voting.

The sentiment is shared among some in Pezeshkian’s camp. Mohammad Mohammad-Rezaei, a former lawmaker who campaigned for Pezeshkian in Kurdistan Province, said the former health minister did not even expect to be allowed to run in the election.

“I think [the authorities] wanted to engineer the election, and so they put a reformist on the ballot, as they did with [Abdolnasser] Hemmati [in 2021] to make it seem competitive,” he told RFE/RL’s Radio Farda. “But they lost control and someone like Pezeshkian won.”

The first round of voting on June 28 saw a record-low turnout of 39.9 percent, in which Pezeshkian benefited from a split conservative vote to finish first, since Jalili and Qalibaf could not reach an agreement for one of them to drop out of the race.

Going into the second round, Pezeshkian sought to rally voters to his cause by playing on people’s fears of a hard-line candidate like Jalili winning the election. While that may have helped him win votes, analysts say it is not the only reason why people voted for him.

Farzan Sabet, a senior research associate at the Geneva Graduate Institute, described Pezeshkian as a “conservative reformist” who “did not make bold promises of changes and reforms” and so managed to draw on votes from traditional conservatives who do not back Jalili’s hard-line views.

No Major Policy Shifts

Pezeshkian is inheriting an economy hammered by mismanagement and sanctions and a society that has shown it will take to the streets to demand basic freedoms.

But consequential policies in Iran are set by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters.

The president serves as the head of the Supreme National Security Council, but he ultimately only has one vote. So, while the president has a say, he does not have a lot of sway.

“Pezeshkian has given the impression that he will be a weak or pliable president, or at the very least he will adhere very strictly to the policy framework set by the supreme leader,” Sabet said.

Pezeshkian himself acknowledged the limits of presidential power throughout his campaign, noted Vakil, who described the president-elect as a “reformist loyalist who is, above all else, subservient to the supreme leader.”

She argued that being “compliant and pliant” could work in Pezeshkian’s favor, potentially affording him “some latitude to pursue openness with the West or engage on incremental issues” -- assuming Iran’s top brass wants to lift sanctions and boost the faltering economy.

Ultimate power in Iran lies with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters.
Ultimate power in Iran lies with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters.

Pezeshkian is unlikely to bring major reforms, but he might be able to exert some influence on policies thanks to his more conservative leanings compared to other reformists, said Sabet.

He speculated that Pezeshkian’s government might include reformists and moderates but also traditional conservatives, giving him some leverage to work with conservatives in parliament to “outmaneuver” hard-liners, who saw their numbers increase in the legislature following the election in March.

So, while there will not be major policy shifts, how existing policies are carried out could have a “meaningful impact” on domestic politics, foreign relations, and the economy.

Succession To Khamenei

One reason why Qalibaf was initially seen as the establishment’s preferred choice was because his executive experience, ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, and conservative views made him an ideal candidate to maintain order and ensure a smooth transition of power in the event of Khamenei’s death.

Pezeshkian is a former health minister with years of experience in parliament, but the jury is out on whether he will be able to steady the boat if the 85-year-old supreme leader dies during his tenure.

“Pezeshkian was truly a second-tier reformist candidate,” Sabet said, but added, “That being said, he could grow into the role, despite not having held particularly senior positions in the past.”

With reporting by Hannah Kaviani of RFE/RL’s Radio Farda

Who Is Masud Pezeshkian, Iran's President-Elect?

Masud Pezeshkian has criticized Iran's hijab-enforcement methods but also spoken in support of Khamenei's policies.
Masud Pezeshkian has criticized Iran's hijab-enforcement methods but also spoken in support of Khamenei's policies.

Reformist lawmaker Masud Pezeshkian has won Iran's July 5 runoff presidential election against ultraconservative candidate Saeed Jalili and will become the ninth president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

A former health minister, Pezeshkian has been representing the ethnic Azeri majority province of East Azerbaijan in the Iranian parliament for the past 16 years.*

Pezeshkian led the field of four candidates in the first round of Iran's presidential election on June 28, taking 42.5 percent of the vote. On July 5, he secured 53.6 percent of the ballots.

Despite more than 20 years in politics, Pezeshkian has not faced any corruption allegations and has not been implicated in any political scandals.

Pezeshkian was born in the Kurdish-majority city of Mahabad in West Azerbaijan Province and speaks fluent Kurdish and Azeri.

A physician by training, Pezeshkian went to the front lines during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War to fight and serve as a medic. He specialized in cardiac surgery after the war.

The 70-year-old also worked in academia, serving as the head of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences from 1994 to 1999.

Pezeshkian entered politics shortly after leaving the university, moving to Tehran in 2000 to serve as deputy health minister in the government of then-President Mohammad Khatami.

In 2001, Khatami named Pezeshkian as his health minister. Two years later, the parliament unsuccessfully tried to impeach Pezeshkian over what his critics said were bad appointments and poor use of a World Bank loan, among other alleged failures.

In 2008, three years after leaving government, Pezeshkian ran for parliament and finished first in the Tabriz constituency. He has been elected to parliament for five consecutive four-year terms.

From 2016 to 2020 -- when moderates and reformists controlled the legislature -- Pezeshkian served as one of two deputy speakers of parliament.

Pezeshkian ran for president in 2013 but dropped out without endorsing anyone. He tried his luck again in 2021 but he was disqualified from running by the Guardians Council, a constitutional watchdog that also vets candidates running in major elections.

Pezeshkian often recites the Koran and is an expert on Nahjul Balagha, a compilation of sermons and sayings attributed to the first Shi’ite imam, Ali. The book holds a special place among Shi'a in Iran.

The former health minister has been critical of the Islamic republic’s hijab-enforcement policies, warning in 2023 that it was only encouraging people to hate religion.

He has expressed an openness to negotiations with the West and has in the past criticized chanting against other countries, including the United States.

But Pezeshkian has also spoken in support of the Islamic republic’s principles and insisted that policies set out by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei should be followed.

Earlier this year, Pezeshkian said Khamenei’s intervention had ensured that he was not disqualified from running in parliamentary elections in March.

He has spoken in defense of minority rights, but his critics have accused him of pandering to nationalist sentiments among Iran’s ethnic Azeris. He has denied the allegations.

*CORRECTION: A previous version of this story misidentified the province that Pezeshkian has been representing in parliament. It is East Azerbaijan, not West Azerbaijan.

Pezeshkian 'Grateful' To Iran's Youth For Helping Him Win Presidency; U.S. Dismisses Impact Of Vote

"The difficult path ahead will only become smoother with your companionship, empathy, and trust," Masud Pezeshkian, Iran's president-elect, told the country on July 6. (file photo)
"The difficult path ahead will only become smoother with your companionship, empathy, and trust," Masud Pezeshkian, Iran's president-elect, told the country on July 6. (file photo)

Moderate reformist Masud Pezeshkian, the winner of Iran's runoff presidential vote, has thanked young Iranians for helping him win as foreign leaders and members of the Iranian establishment congratulated him on his victory, while Washington dismissed the impact of the results.

Pezeshkian, a 69-year-old former heart surgeon, defeated ultraconservative hard-liner Saeed Jalili in the July 5 runoff, garnering 53.7 percent of the vote, or 16,384,403 votes, while Jalili received 44.3 percent, or 13,538,179 votes, according to results announced by Mohsen Eslami, the spokesman of Iran's election headquarters.

"I am especially grateful to the dedicated and capable young people who came to work lovingly and sincerely on my team and together with the rest of the people shone a ray of hope and confidence in the future," the 69-year-old former heart surgeon wrote on X.

Pezeshkian's victory came amid a turnout of 49.8 percent, considerably higher than the record-low 40 percent in the first round of the election, which was triggered by the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash in May.

Social media videos purported to show Pezeshkian's supporters, mostly young people, taking to the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities to celebrate, even before the final results were announced.

Pezeshkian, however, warned that a "difficult path" lies ahead for the Islamic republic and appealed to Iranians not to leave him "alone" as he begins his presidency in a country beset by economic hardships compounded by international sanctions and dominated by a repressive theocracy.

"The difficult path ahead will only become smoother with your companionship, empathy, and trust. I extend my hand to you, and I swear on my honor that I, in turn, will not leave you alone on this path," Pezeshkian wrote in a separate message.

Voting on July 5 had been scheduled to end at 6 p.m., but it was extended three times until midnight as authorities sought to encourage as many people as possible to go to the polls.

The first round failed to generate widespread participation, despite calls by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who wields ultimate power in Iran, for a high turnout to project an image of a strong Iran where its people back the political establishment.

Khamenei, who has final say in Iran's politics, congratulated Pezeshkian, calling for unity.

"I call on everyone to work together," said Khamenei, who had called the runoff vote "very important."

Hossein Salami, the chief of Iran's powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), also welcomed Pezeshkian's victory, offering his "cooperation" to the incoming president.

"We are fully prepared to continue and strengthen the cooperation and interaction between the IRGC and the government," Salami said in a statement.

Iran's theocracy, installed after the Islamic revolution of 1979, has long maintained that it derives its legitimacy from strong popular support that translates into high voter turnout, but poor participation in recent elections and deadly antiestablishment protests have challenged the legitimacy of the current leadership.

Pezeshkian has been a member of parliament since 2008 and served as deputy speaker between 2016 and 2020, when moderates and reformists had a majority in the legislature.

Pezeshkian questioned Iran's methods of enforcing the Islamic head scarf for women following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in 2022 while in the custody of Iran's dreaded morality police for allegedly wearing her hijab improperly.

After Amini's death, which sparked months of unrest across the country, Pezeshkian demanded clarification from authorities about her case.

After casting his vote during the first round last week, Pezeshkian said, "We will respect the hijab law, but there should never be any intrusive or inhumane behavior toward women."

Pezeshkian has also spoken in favor of negotiating with the West, but he also supports the principles of the Islamic republic and said he would follow Khamenei's policies if elected.

While Pezeshkian's victory is unlikely to result in major policy shifts, it could have an impact on the succession to the 85-year-old Khamenei, who has been Iran's supreme leader since 1989.

Khamenei now has to give his approval to Pezeshkian's win in a ceremony known as "tanfiz."

Following that ceremonial step, the new president's inauguration is expected to take place sometime between July 22 and August 5.

An electoral staff member empties a ballot box at a polling station on July 6 after voting ended in Iran's runoff presidential election. Pezeshkian's victory came amid a turnout of 49.8 percent, considerably higher than the record-low 40 percent in the first round of the election.
An electoral staff member empties a ballot box at a polling station on July 6 after voting ended in Iran's runoff presidential election. Pezeshkian's victory came amid a turnout of 49.8 percent, considerably higher than the record-low 40 percent in the first round of the election.

Pezeshkian, who finished the first round with 10.5 million votes -- 1 million more than Jalili -- appears to have been the one who benefited from the larger turnout in the second round, finishing the runoff with nearly 3 million votes more than his opponent.

His campaign had sought to increase turnout by convincing people who boycotted the first round to vote in the runoff.

Mohammad Mohammad-Rezaei, a former lawmaker from Iran's Kurdistan Province who worked for Pezeshkian's campaign, told RFE/RL's Radio Farda that Pezeshkian's main advantage has been his galvanizing power among all walks of life.

"One of the merits of Pezeshkian is that he is a patriot and his character transcends party politics. He is above political parties, fronts, and groups," Mohammad-Rezaei said.

His supporters attempted to highlight what they saw as the dangers of a hard-line figure like Jalili coming to power, arguing that his administration would enact repressive policies and further isolate Iran.

Iran's New Reformist President Unlikely To Bring Major Policy Shifts
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Jalili's supporters portrayed Pezeshkian as a man who is soft on the West and who would make Iranian progress dependent on good relations with Western nations.

The U.S. State Department, in comments to RFE/RL's Radio Farda, noted the results but said that elections in Iran are neither free or fair.

"As a result, a significant number of Iranians chose not to participate at all," a spokesman said. "We have no expectation these elections will lead to fundamental change in Iran’s direction or more respect for the human rights of its citizens. As the candidates themselves have said, Iranian policy is set by the supreme leader.

"The election will not have a significant impact on [Washington's] approach to Iran either. Our concerns about Iran’s behavior are unchanged. At the same time, we remain committed to diplomacy when it advances American interests."

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei votes during the presidential election in Tehran on July 5.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei votes during the presidential election in Tehran on July 5.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping both congratulated Pezeshkian on his victory.

"I hope that your tenure as president will contribute to a reinforcement of constructive bilateral cooperation between our friendly peoples," Putin said.

Russia and Iran, both under harsh Western sanctions, can "coordinate efforts to resolve international issues in a constructive manner," Putin added.

Iran has been supplying Russia with drones that Moscow has been using to attack mainly civilian targets in Ukraine since the Kremlin started the invasion of its neighbor in February 2022.

"I attach great importance to the development of China-Iran relations and am willing to work with the president to lead the China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership towards deeper advancement," state news agency Xinhua quoted Xi as saying.

China is Iran's largest trade partner and a main destination for Tehran's sanctioned oil.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia, Iran's regional rival, in a message to Pezeshkian, expressed hope for the "continued development of relations which link our two countries and our two brotherly peoples," according to the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

The powerful Saudi crown prince also congratulated Pezeshkian on his election.

"I affirm my keenness on developing and deepening the relations between our countries and people and serve our mutual interests," SPA quoted Muhammad Bin Salman as saying.

Last year, Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed in a China-brokered deal to restore diplomatic ties after years on interruption.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also congratulated Pezeshkian.

"Looking forward to working closely with you to further strengthen our warm and long-standing bilateral relationship for the benefit of our peoples and the region," Modi wrote on X.

Swedish-Iranian Drops Hunger Strike Over Exclusion From Swap Deal

Amnesty International is among the groups protesting for Ahmadreza Djalali's release.
Amnesty International is among the groups protesting for Ahmadreza Djalali's release.

The wife of an Iranian-Swedish academic condemned to death in Iran says he has ended a hunger strike eight days after launching the protest at his being left out of a prisoner swap between Tehran and Stockholm.

Vida Mehrannia told RFE/RL's Radio Farda on July 5 that her husband, Ahmadreza Djalali, accepted calls to end his hunger strike as he was suffering from "severe" weakness, heart and blood-pressure issues, and "severe stomach problems" made worse by previous hunger strikes.

Last month, Sweden released former Iranian prison official Hamid Nouri in exchange for Swedish citizens Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi.

Djalali, who was detained in 2016 and subsequently sentenced to death for allegedly spying for Israel, was not part of the exchange.

He has denied all the charges against him.

Mehrannia has said the Swedish government's explanations for not including him are not "convincing."

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said on June 25 that his government’s only options were to bring Floderus and Azizi back or walk away from the talks.

Djalali appears to be the longest-held dual citizen held in Iranian custody.

His wife accuses Tehran of holding him to “pressure” European states to release Iranian prisoners.

Last month's prisoner swap deal has been widely condemned by rights groups and activists because Nouri was sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in the mass execution of political prisoners in Iran in 1988.

At least eight other European citizens are currently held in Iran, including Jamshid Sharmahd, a German citizen of Iranian descent sentenced to death.


Polls Close After Voting Extended To Midnight In Iran's Presidential Runoff Amid Concerns Over Turnout

Iranian women prepare to cast their ballots at a polling station in Tehran on July 5.
Iranian women prepare to cast their ballots at a polling station in Tehran on July 5.

Voting hours were extended three times before closing at midnight in Iran on July 5 in a runoff presidential election being held after no candidate secured enough votes to be declared the outright winner of the June 28 vote, which saw a record-low turnout

Polling stations were scheduled to close at 6 p.m. local time. However, voting was initially extended to 8 p.m., then to 10 p.m., then a third time to midnight. Voting hours are often extended in Iranian elections.

At midnight, state TV said polling stations had officially closed but that voters inside would still be able to drop off ballots.

Initial results are likely to come out shortly after voting ends, with final results scheduled to be announced on July 6.

The election, which was triggered by the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash in May, has come down to a choice between the reformist veteran lawmaker Masud Pezeshkian and hard-line former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili.

It comes at a time when Iranians are contending with a lack of freedoms, declining living standards, and a faltering economy.

Reformist And Hard-Liner In Iranian Presidential Election Runoff Amid Record-Low Voter Turnout
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Jalili serves as Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s personal representative on the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC). He was the SNSC’s secretary between 2007 and 2013, during which time he led the Iranian delegation in failed talks with the West on Tehran’s nuclear program.

He represents the hard-line part of the conservative camp and has never held elected office.

Pezeshkian has been a member of parliament since 2008 and served as deputy speaker between 2016 and 2020, when moderates and reformists had a majority in the legislature.

He has questioned Iran’s methods of enforcing the hijab, or Islamic head scarf, for women, and spoken in favor of negotiating with the West. But he also supports the principles of the Islamic republic and says he will follow Khamenei’s policies if elected.

The outcome of the election is unlikely to result in major policy shifts, but it could have an impact on the succession to the 85-year-old Khamenei, who has been Iran’s supreme leader since 1989.

The first round of voting saw a record-low turnout of 39.9 percent, despite calls by Khamenei for a high voter participation to project an image of a strong Iran where its people back the political establishment.

Khamenei reiterated that message on July 3, when he acknowledged that first-round turnout was "not as expected" but denied the lack of voter interest reflected unpopularity for Iran's leadership.

He called the vote "very important," adding, "Those who love Islam and the Islamic republic and the progress of the country must show it by taking part in the election."

Khamenei, who has the final say on all official matters in Iran, cast his vote at a mobile polling station at Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran in the first minutes after voting started on July 5.

"I've heard that people's enthusiasm and interest are higher than in the first round," Khamenei said. "May God make it this way as this will be gratifying news."

One man who asked not to be identified told RFE/RL he did not participate in the first round of voting but that he cast a ballot for Pezeshkian in this round.

Sepideh, a 19-year-old university student in Tehran, told Reuters: "I will not vote. This is a big NO to the Islamic Republic because of Mahsa [Amini]. I want a free country, I want a free life."

The 2022 death in custody of Amini, a young Kurdish-Iranian woman, sparked massive street protests throughout Iran, leading to a brutal crackdown by authorities.

The Islamic republic has long maintained it derives its legitimacy from strong voter turnout, but poor participation in recent elections and deadly antiestablishment protests have challenged the legitimacy of the current leadership.

Pezeshkian finished the first round with 10.5 million votes, above Jalili’s 9.5 million. But he also benefited from the splitting of the conservative vote, with 3.4 million votes going to parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf who has since endorsed Jalili.

However, there is no guarantee that all of Qalibaf’s votes will swing to Jalili since they represent vastly different groups in the highly factionalized conservative camp.

Pezeshkian’s campaign has been trying to increase turnout by convincing people who boycotted the first round to vote in the runoff. His supporters have sought to highlight what they see as the dangers of a hard-line figure like Jalili coming to power, arguing that his administration will enact repressive policies and further isolate Iran.

Jalili's supporters have portrayed Pezeshkian as a man who is soft on the West and will make Iranian progress dependent on good relations with Western nations.

Dissidents have urged the public to continue their boycott of the vote, insisting that elections in Iran are neither free nor fair and that past votes have failed to instigate change since ultimate power lies with Khamenei.

Raisi, who many Iranians refer to as the "Butcher of Tehran" for his alleged role in the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988 when he was Tehran's deputy prosecutor, died along with Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and several other officials when their helicopter crashed on May 19.

Iran Sentences Labor Activist To Death Amid Rights Groups' Outcry

Iranian labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi (file photo)
Iranian labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi (file photo)

Labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi has been sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in the northern city of Rasht, rights groups told RFE/RL’s Radio Farda on July 4, a move her supporters have labeled "medieval and criminal."

The court said the woman been convicted on charges of "armed rebellion against the state" and included as evidence her membership in an independent labor organization.

She was also accused of being a member of the banned Komala Kurdish separatist party, which the family denied.

The Norway-based Hengaw and U.S.-based Human Rights Activists News Agency also reported on Mohammadi’s death sentence.

The Campaign for the Defense of Sharifeh Mohammadi described the labor organization -- the Coordination Committee for Helping to Establish Labor Organizations -- as legal but said that, in any case, she had not been a member for 10 years.

The Defense Campaign called the court verdict against her "medieval and criminal."

“Many believe that this ridiculous and baseless verdict was issued solely to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation among Gilan [Province] activists,” the group said.

Mohammadi’s aunt, Vida Mohammadi, told RFE/RL's Radio Farda that the woman has been tortured in prison following her arrest on December 5, 2023, and that she had spent several months in solitary confinement.

Vida Mohammadi said Sharifeh Mohammadi was not affiliated with any political organization inside or outside the country.

The Hengaw rights watchdog said Mohammadi "endured mental and physical torture at the hands of Iranian Intelligence interrogators...who sought to extract a forced confession from her."

The U.S.-based Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, which focuses on Iranian issues, said the death sentence was linked to "her involvement with an independent labor union."

"This extreme ruling highlights the harsh crackdown on dissent within Iran, particularly against labor activists amid economic turmoil," it said.

Major protests erupted in Gilan Province and throughout the country in 2022 following the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, a young Kurdish-Iranian woman who had been detained for allegedly flouting Iran's strict dress code for women.

More than 500 protesters were killed nationwide and thousands arrested during the months of unrest.

Domestic and International rights activists have accused Tehran of using the death penalty to intimidate protesters and others following the mass demonstrations.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Iran “remains one of the world’s top practitioners of the death penalty, applying it to individuals convicted of crimes committed as children and under vague national security charges; occasionally, it is also used for nonviolent offenses.”

Campaigning Over Ahead Of Iran's Presidential Vote, With Turnout A Concern

Reformist Masud Pezeshkian (left) and ultraconservative Saeed Jalili in a televised debate ahead of the second-round vote in a presidential election where turnout has been a cause of concern for Iran's most senior leaders.
Reformist Masud Pezeshkian (left) and ultraconservative Saeed Jalili in a televised debate ahead of the second-round vote in a presidential election where turnout has been a cause of concern for Iran's most senior leaders.

Iranian state media said on July 4 that campaigning had ended one day ahead of a runoff vote between a reformist and a hard-liner to replace the country's late president in an election beset so far by record-low turnout.

The tightly vetted race has narrowed to ultraconservative Saeed Jalili and veteran reformist lawmaker and ethnic Azeri Masud Pezeshkian, who surprised many by earning the most of four candidates in voting on June 28.

Voter turnout in the first round was just 40 percent, a record low that has prompted concern at the highest levels of the country's religiously dominated leadership.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei acknowledged on July 3 that the turnout was "not as expected" but denied the lack of voter interest reflected unpopularity for Iran's leadership and called the vote "very important."

“Those who love Islam and the Islamic republic and the progress of the country must show it by taking part in the election,” said Khamenei, 85, who has the final say on all state matters.

While some of the regime's harshest critics have urged a boycott of round two, it was unclear how widespread those calls were and whether Iranians would heed them.

Iran's unelected, hard-line institutions routinely vet candidate applications to weed out perceived threats, including by disqualifying relative moderates.

This election is seen as especially important because of Khamenei's advanced age and the eventual winner's potential role in influencing the choice of the next supreme leader.

Pezeshkian won around 42.5 percent of the ballots in the first round, according to official results, while Jalili finished with 38.6 percent.

Neither of the other two candidates -- parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf and former Justice Minister Mostafa Purmohammadi -- got more than 14 percent.

Critics and dissidents urged a boycott of the election, saying past votes have failed to bring change.

'Not Free At All': Iranians Voice Need For Change Amid Snap Presidential Election
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Voter turnout in Iran has been slumping since 2020, seemingly driven by frustration over a lack of freedoms and reforms, a beleaguered economy that is still subject to U.S. and other sanctions, and falling living standards.

Rights groups have alleged that Iran's authorities have cranked up suppression of critical voices on social media since ultraconservative President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash while returning from a visit to Azerbaijan on May 19.

Raisi was an intensely divisive figure who was relentless in his criticism of the West and accused of serving as a prosecutor for an "execution committee" that sent thousands of political prisoners and regime opponents to their deaths in the late 1980s.

He was also seen as a potential successor to Supreme Leader Khamenei.

Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other officials also died in the crash.

Russian President Vladimir Putin met with interim Iranian President Mohammad Mokhber on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Kazakhstan in July 4 amid an "unprecedented upswing" in bilateral ties, Russia's Foreign Ministry said, according to Reuters.


Iranian-Born Norwegian Man Convicted Of Oslo LGBT Festival Attack Gets 30 Years

Zaniar Matapour (center) attends court in Oslo earlier this year.
Zaniar Matapour (center) attends court in Oslo earlier this year.

An Iranian-born Norwegian man was found guilty of terrorism on July 4 in a 2022 attack on an LGBT festival in Oslo and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Two people were killed and nine were seriously wounded in the shooting at three locations, chiefly outside the London Pub, a popular gay bar, on June 25, 2022. The Oslo District Court said Zaniar Matapour, 45, shot 10 rounds with a machine gun and eight shots with a handgun into the crowd. It said Matapour had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State group and “has been radicalized for several years.” His 30-year sentence was the highest penalty in Norway since terror legislation was changed in 2015. Matapour can request parole after 20 years but can only be released if he is deemed no longer dangerous.

Putin Holds Talks With Iran's Interim President

Russian President Vladimir Putin (file photo)
Russian President Vladimir Putin (file photo)

Russian President Vladimir Putin met Mohammad Mokhber, the interim president of Iran, on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in the Kazakh capital, Astana, on July 4. Moscow and Tehran have been negotiating a comprehensive bilateral cooperation agreement reflecting the "unprecedented upswing" in their bilateral ties, according to Russia's Foreign Ministry.


Turkmenistan, Iran Sign Natural Gas Deal That Includes Plan To Build Pipeline

A handout picture showing an inauguration ceremony for a new gas pipeline link between Iran and Turkmenistan. (file photo)
A handout picture showing an inauguration ceremony for a new gas pipeline link between Iran and Turkmenistan. (file photo)

Turkmenistan and Iran signed a contract on July 3 for the delivery of 10 billion cubic meters of Turkmen natural gas per year, which Iran will then ship to Iraq.

Turkmenistan's Foreign Ministry announced the deal but did not say what price Iran would pay for the gas.

The ministry's statement said Iranian companies will construct a new 125-kilometer pipeline between Iran and Turkmenistan to expand the Central Asian country's delivery capacity.

The ministry said Turkmenistan, whose economy is heavily dependent on the export of natural gas, also plans to increase its gas supplies to Iran to 40 billion cubic meters a year. However, no time frame was given.

Iran has the world's second-largest natural gas reserves and is the world's third-largest producer of the fossil fuel, but rising domestic demand is curtailing its ability to export. Iran has faced natural gas shortages during the wintertime.

A gas swap with Turkmenistan will allow Iran to meet its export commitments.

Turkmenistan has been carrying out gas swaps with Iran for several years, but the volume has been relatively low at just a few billion cubic meters annually.

Revenue from natural gas exports account for the lion's share of Turkmenistan's budget.

Turkmenistan holds the world’s fourth-largest proven natural gas reserves, estimated at nearly 14 trillion cubic meters, according to statistics compiled by British Petroleum.

Turkmenistan currently produces about 80 billion cubic meters, meaning its production to proven reserve life is 166 years, an extraordinarily high number by global standards and one that implies Turkmenistan has the potential to produce significantly more.

However, Turkmenistan has had trouble finding markets for its massive natural gas reserves. Bordered by Russia, Uzbekistan, Iran and the land-locked Caspian Sea, Turkmenistan has no ability to directly ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) to world markets.

China is the country's main customer for natural gas, accounting for about half of Turkmenistan’s annual production.

Turkmenistan is working on a pipeline to supply gas to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, where natural gas demand is expected to rise significantly in the coming decades.

Turkmenistan has for decades been considering shipping natural gas via a pipeline across the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan and further on to Europe, but opposition by littoral states Iran and Russia, previously the largest natural gas supplier to Europe, has left the idea in limbo.

Europe's attempt to cut its natural gas demand has also raised questions about the viability of the pipeline.

With reporting by AP

Iran's Khamenei Insists Voters Who Shunned Presidential Vote Not Opposed To Islamic Republic

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei votes in the first round of Iran's presidential election on June 28.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei votes in the first round of Iran's presidential election on June 28.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has lamented the record-low turnout in the first round of Iran’s presidential election last week, but insisted that it is not reflective of the popularity of the Islamic republic.

In comments on July 3, Khamenei said the runoff vote on July 5 between reformist hopeful Masud Pezeshkian and hard-line candidate Saeed Jalili was “very important” and urged the public to participate.

“Those who love Islam and the Islamic republic and the progress of the country must show it by taking part in the election,” said the 85-year-old, who has the final say on all state matters.

Khamenei said the 40-percent turnout in the first round of the vote on June 28 was “not as expected,” but added that it was "completely wrong to think that those who did not vote in the first round are against the system.”

However, in a speech in 2001, Khamenei had ridiculed 40-percent voter participation in Western nations, saying it was "shameful" and a sign that "people do not trust, care, hope for the political system."

Pezeshkian received around 42.5 percent of the ballots in the first round of voting, while his rival Jalili finished second with 38.6 percent.

The conservative vote was split between Jalili and parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, who came in third with around 13.8 percent of the vote. Mostafa Purmohammadi, a former justice minister, finished last with just under 1 percent.

With no candidate securing enough votes to win the election outright, a runoff has been scheduled for July 5.

The first round of voting was held amid calls by dissidents and activists to boycott the election, arguing that past votes had failed to instigate change.

Iran has seen a trend of sliding voter turnout since 2020 that is driven in part by a growing frustration over a lack of freedoms, a faltering economy, and declining living standards.

Analysts say the declining voter participation reflects a growing despondency in society and casts doubt over the legitimacy of Iran’s clerical establishment, which has been in power since 1979.

Elections in the Islamic republic are tightly controlled with candidates being preselected by an unelected body dominated by hard-liners.


Xi, Putin Kick Off SCO Summit In Kazakhstan With Belarus Set To Join

Kazakh President Qasym-Zhomart Toqaev (left) welcomes Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Astana on July 2 for a state visit and two-day SCO summit.
Kazakh President Qasym-Zhomart Toqaev (left) welcomes Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Astana on July 2 for a state visit and two-day SCO summit.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping met on July 3 in Kazakhstan as part of a two-day summit for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which is poised to admit Belarus as a member.

The expected expansion of the club of Eurasian countries is part of another push from Beijing and Moscow to use the regional security bloc as a counterweight to promote alternatives to the Western institutions that make up the U.S.-led world order.

Putin told Xi ahead of their bilateral meeting that Russia's ties with China were stronger than ever and touted the SCO as a powerful instrument to advance their foreign policy agendas.

"Russian-Chinese relations, our comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation, are experiencing their best period in history," Putin said in comments broadcast on Russian state TV. He hailed the SCO for "strengthening its role as one of the key pillars of a fair multipolar world order."

Moscow and Beijing have deepened their political, military and economic links since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

In his opening remarks, Xi told Putin that China and Russia should "uphold the original aspiration of friendship for generations" in response to an "ever-changing international situation."

Calling Putin an "old friend," Xi alluded to the progress the two countries had made in putting in place "plans and arrangements for the next development of bilateral relations."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also met with Putin at the SCO, offering to help end the Ukraine-Russia war. Erdogan said he believed a fair peace suiting both sides was possible, according to the Turkish presidency. But Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Erdogan could not play the role of an intermediary.

"No, it's not possible," Peskov said when asked whether Erdogan could assume such a role, according to TASS. There was no explanation for why the Kremlin was opposed to Erdogan's participation.

The SCO summit, which ends of July 4, was also set to focus on better coordination for counterterrorism in the region, which remains high on the agenda for members following Moscow's Crocus City Hall attack in April. The security situation in Afghanistan and a new mechanism for an investment fund proposed by Kazakhstan will also be discussed by leaders.

"The mandate for the SCO can be quite vague and far-reaching," Eva Seiwert, an analyst at the Berlin-based MERICS think tank, told RFE/RL. "Officially speaking, this is a security organization that focuses on improving collaboration among its member states and building mutual trust throughout the region."

The bloc was founded in 2001 with China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan as members with a focus on settling territorial disputes and has grown to tackle issues like regional security and economic development. The SCO added India and Pakistan in 2017, Iran in 2023, and is set to grow again with the addition of Belarus this year.

The SCO's evolution over its 23-year history has largely been shaped by China and Russia's evolving relationship.

At times, Moscow has looked to water down or block Chinese-led plans for the bloc, including proposals for a regional development bank and a free-trade zone. But as Xi and Putin have built stronger ties between their countries in recent years -- especially since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine -- the two leaders have more actively made the SCO a part of their broader cooperation together and a centerpiece of their shared anti-U.S. worldview.

"For a long time, China wanted to make sure that the SCO is not portrayed as an anti-Western organization, but this has changed, especially since Iran joined," Seiwert said. "It's becoming clear that the SCO doesn't care so much about what the West thinks anymore."

At a meeting of senior Russian officials in June, Putin spoke about the creation of "a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in Eurasia," with the help of existing organizations like the SCO, to work toward gradually "phasing out the military presence of external powers in the Eurasian region."

Temur Umarov, a fellow at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin, told RFE/RL that while the SCO is increasing its international visibility and geopolitical weight, it still remains an organization that is heavy on symbolism but light on substance.

"It's still trying to figure out what it is now and what it can be," he said. "At the end of the day, its main advantage is just the sheer size and its collective GDP, but there are still almost no substantial results."

In the absence of a clear mandate, the SCO is largely serving as a diplomatic forum for regional leaders to get sought-after face time with Xi and Putin.

Leaders and representatives from nonmember states like Azerbaijan, Qatar, Mongolia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkmenistan, and Turkey are also expected to attend, as is United Nation Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Notably absent from this year's summit is Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar attending in his place.

Niva Yau, a fellow at the Atlantic Council's Global China Hub, says that India appears to be losing interest in the SCO, in part due to New Delhi's tense rivalry with Pakistan, but also over ongoing tensions with China amid a multiyear border dispute.

She says that this growing reticence from India may hamstring the bloc's potential and Beijing's future plans for it.

"It reduces the SCO's global profile and limits some of China's bigger plans," she told RFE/RL.

With reporting by AFP and Reuters

Wife Of Swedish-Iranian On Death Row 'Devastated' After Meeting Sweden's Foreign Minister

Ahmadreza Djalali has been held in Iran since 2016. (file photo)
Ahmadreza Djalali has been held in Iran since 2016. (file photo)

The wife of Ahmadreza Djalali, a Swedish-Iranian physician sentenced to death in Iran, said on July 2 that she was “devastated” after meeting Sweden’s foreign minister to discuss her husband’s case.

Vida Mehrannia has strongly criticized the Swedish government for not including Djalali in a controversial prisoner swap deal with Iran last month.

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As part of the deal, Stockholm released Hamid Nouri, an Iranian former prison official sentenced to life in prison for his role in the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988 in exchange for Swedish citizens Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi.

“They told me, as always, that they’re pursuing the case. They say the same thing at every meeting. But after eight years and three months, still nothing has happened,” Mehrannia said after her meeting with Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom. “I am devastated.”

Djalali has been on a hunger strike since June 26 to protest against being left out of the prisoner exchange deal.

“He has a weak pulse and has stomach problems,” Mehrannia told a gathering of supporters after the meeting.

Djalali was detained in 2016 and subsequently sentenced to death for allegedly spying for Israel. He has denied all charges. Stockholm granted Djalali Swedish citizenship in 2018, though Billstrom says the authorities in Tehran consider him only to be an Iranian citizen.

The Swedish government has been under pressure by rights groups and activists for freeing Nouri and for failing to at least secure the release of the only Swedish citizen in Iran who is facing the death penalty.

Western governments and rights groups have long accused Iran of detaining dual citizens to use them as bargaining chips against the West.

At least eight other European citizens are currently held in Iran, including Jamshid Sharmahd, a German citizen of Iranian descent who has also been sentenced to death.

To Vote Or Not To Vote? Iranians Mull Continuing Presidential Election Boycott

The election on June 28 saw the lowest turnout in a presidential vote in Iran's history.
The election on June 28 saw the lowest turnout in a presidential vote in Iran's history.

More than 60 percent of Iran's electorate did not vote in the June 28 presidential election, despite it being billed as an important poll given the role that the next president could play in the succession to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

With no candidate managing to secure enough votes to win the election outright, a second round of voting will be held on July 5 between reformist hopeful Masud Pezeshkian and hard-line conservative and former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili.

The record-low turnout came after widespread calls by dissidents at home and abroad to boycott the election, arguing that no change has come from voting in past elections.

Iran has seen a trend of sliding voter turnout since 2020 that is driven in part by a growing frustration over a lack of freedoms, a faltering economy, and declining living standards.

Reformist And Hard-Liner In Iranian Presidential Election Runoff Amid Record-Low Voter Turnout
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Speaking to RFE/RL's Radio Farda, Sweden-based Iranian political activist Mahdieh Golrou said the declining voter turnout in recent major elections was also the direct result of "a coordinated act of civil disobedience" that allows the disillusioned public to "communicate their dissent to the authorities."

More than 50 political activists in Iran and other countries have called on the masses to continue their boycott going into the July 5 runoff.

"Any political participation or vote for handpicked and powerless candidates is a dark and bitter joke," the activists, including imprisoned Nobel laureate Narges Mohammadi, said in a statement on June 30.

They argued that by shunning the Islamic republic's "rigged scenarios," the public would place itself in a position of power and facilitate the "fall of the regime."

The Fear Factor

After the June 28 poll, analysts told RFE/RL that the fear of another hard-line president coming to power might compel some who boycotted the first round to vote for Pezeshkian in the runoff.

That now appears to be what Pezeshkian and his supporters on social media are focusing on to convince supporters of the boycott to vote for him.

Pezeshkian on June 30 wrote on X that "the future of Iran is in danger" and that only a high voter turnout could save the country.

Convincing them to cast their ballots will be no easy task, however. Observers have cast doubt on Pezeshkian's credentials as a true reformist, noting that he has been largely supportive of Khamenei's policies and is likely seen as relatively harmless to the aims of the clerical establishment.

Some have said that Pezeshkian would need to present a clearly outlined platform for reforms before opposition-minded voters could be expected to vote for him.

Others have highlighted the dangers of a Jalili presidency, warning that he could double down on the enforcement of the hijab, or Islamic head scarf, for women, and push Iran along a path of total global isolation akin to North Korea.

Former Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi vowed that Iranians "will not allow Iran to fall into the hands of the Taliban," a suggestion that hard-line supporters of Iran's Shi'ite clerical establishment did not take kindly to.

Addressing the majority of the electorate who shunned the ballot box, pro-reform lawmaker Gholamreza Tajgardun said their "voices have been heard." However, he urged them to turn out for the second round to "show that together we can" instigate change.

Even if the boycott is broken, voter apathy remains a serious obstacle.

Some in Iran who do not back the boycott have been asking whether there is any point in voting.

Hossein Dehbashi, a documentary filmmaker with ties to the pro-reform movement, asked on X if there was "a difference between bad and worse" if ultimately the government is restricted in what it can and cannot do.

This is a sentiment that many in Iran share, according to France-based sociologist Saeed Peyvandi.

"[Iranian] society no longer easily accepts promises because its trust has repeatedly been betrayed," Peyvandi told RFE/RL's Radio Farda. The Islamic republic has "never understood" people's complaints, he added, and now "trust in the establishment has collapsed."

With reporting by Elaheh Ravanshad of RFE/RL's Radio Farda

When The Shah Met The Tsar: How Iran's Ruler Viewed Russia And The Caucasus 150 Years Ago

In 1874, a travel diary of Iran’s ruler Naser al-Din Shah was published in English for the first time, offering a fascinating insight into the shah’s trip through Russia, Western Europe, and the Caucasus that had taken place the previous year. It was the first trip of its kind by an Iranian ruler.

Below, largely in the shah's own words, are details of the trip, which would play a part in transforming Iran. Photographs used in this story were taken in the places the shah visited at approximately the time he saw them.

Naser al-Din Shah
Naser al-Din Shah

"Thanks be to God, we have escaped from the high sea and have entered a large river named the Volga, which has a great charm," Naser wrote of his first glimpses of the Russian Empire after traveling by ship across the Caspian Sea from Iran in May 1873. "This stream is very wide; so much so that…an ordinary musket ball would not carry from bank to bank."

A town on the Volga River in southern Russia
A town on the Volga River in southern Russia

“In each village a church has been built, very fine and majestic. The occupation of the people of these villages is that of fishing," the shah noted in his first impressions of ordinary Russians.

As they steamed close to some of the villages, Naser said “the inhabitants flocked to the riverbank and cried out, 'Hurrah!'"

When the mayor of a Volga town brought out the traditional gifts of bread and salt, the shah says the date of his arrival was inscribed into the serving tray.

Fishermen process fish in a town on the Volga River.
Fishermen process fish in a town on the Volga River.

From southern Russia, the shah and his retinue were transported by rail, which was apparently a novel experience for him.

A steam train on the Trans-Siberian Railway
A steam train on the Trans-Siberian Railway

“The pace of the train was such that we overtook the flying crows,” Naser wrote in wonder.

The shah apparently learned the vocabulary of the railroad for the first time in Russia.

“A ‘station’ is a place where the trains stop to have their wheels greased and where the passengers take coffee and refreshments,” he noted.

In another passage, he described a tunnel they passed through as a “hole in the mountain.”

The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow
The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow

As the train neared Moscow, the formal aspects of the tour began, in which the shah and his entourage put on their dress uniforms and were shown the Kremlin, then presumably invited to the Bolshoi Theatre, where he witnessed ballet for the first time.

“The curtain rose and a strange world made its appearance. A large number of women set to dancing. This dancing and performance is called a ballet, i.e. a performance and dance without speaking."

The specifics of the art form, he wrote, were "not possible to describe.”

Tsar Aleksander II
Tsar Aleksander II

In St. Petersburg, the shah’s travelogue becomes frustratingly diplomatic as he meets with Tsar Aleksander II, a man “tall of stature and majestic, who speaks with great gravity and walks with a stately gait.”

Conversations between the two sovereigns are clearly considered off-limits by the shah and referred to only in passing as “long and pleasant.” In fact, much hung on the interaction between the two rulers, whose countries had only recently reached a delicate peace after centuries of conflict over control of the Caucasus.

St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg
St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, theater performances were apparently somewhat bawdier than the ballet that had enchanted the shah in Moscow. One performer, described as a “fat woman clothed in tights, with naked bosom and legs,” rode a bicycle around flaming bottles of wine set on the floor of the stage.

“Ultimately, she fell over from the vehicle to the floor and her skirts took fire,” the shah noted.

The fountains at Peterhof, just outside St. Petersburg
The fountains at Peterhof, just outside St. Petersburg

The Iranian ruler seemed especially taken with Peterhof, a royal residence outside St. Petersburg.

“It was a place like paradise,” the shah gushed amid a detailed description of the fountains and leafy pathways that stretch to the Gulf of Finland.

On May 29, the shah departed west and looped through today's Germany, Great Britain, France, Switzerland Italy, Greece, and Turkey before heading toward Georgia on his way back to Iran.


The shah’s arrival by ship off Poti, in today’s western Georgia, was marked by celestial drama when lightning struck the sea just a few meters from the royal boat, “with a roar equal to that of a thousand cannons.”

On shore in Georgia, the shah was greeted by “various tribes and nationalities” that included Circassians, Lezgins, Armenians, Georgians, and Daghestani Muslims, as well as Mingrelians, an ethnicity that fascinated the shah.

Mingrelian warriors
Mingrelian warriors

“This region is part of the country of the Open-Heads,” Naser wrote of the Mingrelians. “The whole of the inhabitants of the Open-Head country go bare-headed. Never do the women, men, or children adopt the practice of wearing hats or caps on their heads.”

In almost the next breath, the shah appeared to contradict that bare-headed claim by describing Mingrelian warriors as wearing “a red cloth round their heads by way of turban, a pistol, and a large knife in their sashes."

Their uniform he said, "thus resembled those of the Zouaves in France and of the tribes of Hindustan, but their muskets were needle guns made in the factory of Tula.”

Freedom Square in Tbilisi
Freedom Square in Tbilisi

The shah arrived by train to Tbilisi on August 29 and seemed to be pleasantly surprised by its appearance.

“Fifty years ago, this town was very wretched and filthy,” he claimed without specifying how he knew its condition before his own birth. “Now, by degrees, private houses and public buildings, schools and colleges, broad streets paved with stone are being constructed.”

Tbilisi after flooding
Tbilisi after flooding

As in Poti, the shah was struck by Tbilisi's ethnic mix of “Persians, Georgians, Russians, Daghestanis, Circassians, Germans, Armenians.”

Then, as now, Georgian fruit stood out for its quality. The shah singled out watermelons, grapes, and pears, as well as the cucumbers of Tbilisi.

But setting off toward Baku, in today’s Azerbaijan, the shah paints a picture of sunbaked desolation on the road east.

“Once out of Tbilisi, there was not a single trace of the works of man on either side of our road: As far as the eye could penetrate, all were melancholy plains or brown mountains,” he wrote.


In the territory of today’s Azerbaijan, the shah apparently no longer felt the need for diplomatic tact, or was fed up with being on the road.

“Gardens surround the town of Ganja, but within it the houses are poor and miserable,” he complained.

The shah stayed in an apartment he described as “a very wretched tenement on the top of a hill.”

The waterfront of Baku
The waterfront of Baku

On his last landward leg home, the shah's patience seemed at an end.

“The whole road to Baku was dry and bad. In fact, a plain and mountains so dry and so wretched we had neither seen nor heard of. Our journey today was over a part of the country called the Burying Ground -- a fit name for such a region.”

The shah paused only briefly in Baku before boarding a ship for home.

The trip through several empires reportedly left a significant impression on the shah and was widely seen as a diplomatic success. Soon after his return to Iran, Naser began work on establishing a small railway near Tehran.

Reformist And Hard-Liner In Iranian Presidential Election Runoff Amid Record-Low Voter Turnout

Reformist And Hard-Liner In Iranian Presidential Election Runoff Amid Record-Low Voter Turnout
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Reformist lawmaker Masud Pezeshkian and hard-liner Saeed Jalili will head to a second-round, runoff vote in Iran's presidential election. In the first round on June 28, Pezeshkian won the most votes, some 42 percent of all ballots cast, while Jalili claimed almost 39 percent amid a record-low voter turnout. The runoff has been set for July 5.


Takeaways From Iran's Record-Low Presidential Vote With No Winner

Young women flouting the mandatory Islamic head scarf walk past electoral posters of moderate candidate Masud Pezeshkian (left) and hard-line hopeful Saeed Jalili in Tehran.
Young women flouting the mandatory Islamic head scarf walk past electoral posters of moderate candidate Masud Pezeshkian (left) and hard-line hopeful Saeed Jalili in Tehran.

The Islamic republic of Iran witnessed its lowest presidential-election turnout ever on June 28, when only around 40 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots.

None of the four candidates cleared to run in the election managed to secure enough votes to be declared the outright winner.

Reformist lawmaker Masud Pezeshkian, who took 42.5 percent of the vote, and ultraconservative former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili, who won 38.6 percent, will face off in a second round of voting on July 5 that will determine the next president of Iran.

The historic low turnout came despite calls by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for voters to show up in droves to cast their ballots, arguing that the "durability, strength, dignity, and reputation of the Islamic republic" were on the line.

Turnout in major elections has been declining since 2020, but opinion polls carried out in Iran had suggested that this election would not be as bad as the 2021 presidential election, which saw a then-record-low turnout of 48.8 percent.

The low turnout is "obviously a sign of the decreasing legitimacy of the Islamic republic," said Farzan Sabet, a senior research associate at the Geneva Graduate Institute.

Why Iran's Presidential Election Matters More Than Past Votes
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Ahead of the election, dissidents both in Iran and abroad had called for a boycott, arguing that past votes had failed to bring change.

Sabet said among a slew of factors contributing to the poor turnout was that a majority of the public "does not see elections as a meaningful path to change," particularly when past presidents, such as the moderate Hassan Rohani, complain about having been blocked from carrying out their campaign promises by circles of power.

So, people question whether there is any point in voting if ultimately the government’s decision-making powers are limited, Sabet said.

Curtains On Qalibaf’s Presidential Aspirations

Another key takeaway from the election was the poor performance of conservative parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, whose third-place finish in his fourth presidential run may have ended his aspirations to become president.

"In a sense, this might be the end of his rise in the system," Sabet said. "Although he will go back to the parliament and continue to govern from there."

The conservative camp had been urging Jalili and Qalibaf to come to an understanding for one of them to drop out in favor of the other to prevent the splitting of the conservative vote. Neither budged, however, and Qalibaf suffered for a couple of reasons.

Qalibaf found himself squeezed between Jalili, who appealed to more hard-line and ideologically committed voters, and Pezeshkian, who drew on the support of enough moderate and pro-reform voters to finish ahead of the pack.

The parliament speaker has also been embroiled in a series of corruption allegations and political scandals throughout his career, which may have damaged his reputation to such an extent that it could not be offset by his attempts to present himself as a competent, experienced manager with technocratic solutions.

Pezeshkian-Jalili Showdown

Pezeshkian initially was not seen as a serious challenger but as election day grew closer, his poll numbers soared.

Despite the low turnout, he managed to lure enough moderate and reformist voters out to secure a place in the runoff election.

Pezeshkian is a veteran lawmaker who backs engaging with the West and has been critical of some of Tehran’s conservative policies. But he is also committed to the principles of the Islamic republic and has vowed to follow Khamenei’s policies if elected.

Jalili, who is staunchly opposed to improving relations with the West, will be hoping to get Qalibaf’s votes after the parliament speaker endorsed him for the runoff. However, there is no guarantee that Qalibaf’s supporters will swing to Jalili.

The hard-liner Jalili has also surrounded himself with officials close to the administration of the late Ebrahim Raisi, whose death in a helicopter crash in May triggered the snap election to replace him.

The last time an Iranian presidential vote went to a runoff was in 2005, when the populist candidate Mahmud Ahmadinejad, who had finished second in the first round, beat the moderate hopeful Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

If turnout remains low and Pezeshkian fails to mobilize a larger portion of pro-reform voters, Jalili could win the July 5 poll.

'Not Free At All': Iranians Voice Need For Change Amid Snap Presidential Election
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To convince the disillusioned public to vote, Pezeshkian needs “a clear plan and distinct approach,” France-based political commentator Mojtaba Najafi told RFE/RL’s Radio Farda.

If Pezeshkian succeeds, he will have “a significant chance” of defeating Jalili, he said.

There is also a possibility that the prospect of a Jalili presidency is enough incentive to compel some to vote for Pezeshkian.

"I voted for Pezeshkian because I believe he is qualified, but also I was scared of Jalili becoming president," a voter inside Iran said in a voice message to RFE/RL’s Radio Farda.

Sabet argued, however, that with the Iranian public having experienced the repressive Ahmadinejad and Raisi presidencies, "I’m not sure how much more frightening a Jalili administration will be."

Who Is Saeed Jalili, The Hard-Line Candidate In Iran's Runoff Vote For President?

Saeed Jalili's supporters hold up one of his campaign posters ahead of Iran's presidential election on June 28. Jalili finished second among four candidates and will head to a run-off vote on July 5.
Saeed Jalili's supporters hold up one of his campaign posters ahead of Iran's presidential election on June 28. Jalili finished second among four candidates and will head to a run-off vote on July 5.

Saeed Jalili is a hard-line conservative who has never held public office but has long been seen as a favorite of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iran's clerical establishment.

On June 28, Jalili finished second among four candidates vying to replace President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash in May.

Jalili garnered 38.6 percent of the vote in the extraordinary presidential election marked by record-low turnout. He will face reformist lawmaker Masud Pezeshkian, who received 42.5 percent of the vote, in a second-round run-off on July 5.

Jalili, 58, was a senior director in policy planning at the office of the supreme leader in the early 2000s, and currently serves as one of Khamenei’s two representatives on the powerful Supreme National Security Council.

He was secretary of that body from 2007 to 2013, when he also served as Iran's top nuclear negotiator under former President Mahmud Ahmadinejad. Jalili was a deputy foreign minister from 2005 to 2007.

Jalili has run for president three times, including the current race.

In 2013, he was seen as a favorite of Khamenei's but finished third behind moderate Hassan Rohani and conservative Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. Rohani won the 2013 race, while former Tehran Mayor Qalibaf finished second.

In 2017, the ultraconservative Jalili ran for president before dropping out and endorsing Raisi, as did Qalibaf, before Rohani won his second term.

With Jalili and Qalibaf representing different voices within the fragmented conservative camp, pressure was building on the veteran politicians to come to an agreement for one of them to drop out in favor of the other ahead of the June 28 election.

Why Iran's Presidential Election Matters More Than Past Votes
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When neither Jalili nor Qalibaf bowed out of the race, the conservative vote was split, preventing either from getting the majority of votes needed for a first-round victory.

Jalili is a former member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' Basij paramilitary force who lost his leg in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War.

His name came up as a possible candidate to be foreign minister after Raisi won the presidency in 2021. A staunch critic of the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six major world powers, Jalili was critical of attempts to revive the accord when Washington unilaterally withdrew from it in 2018.

Jalili is known for having claimed he headed "shadow" governments that aided and advised the elected governments in power.

Jalili has also been accused by Qalibaf supporters of having ties to an Iranian activist who exposed a shopping spree abroad by the parliament speaker's family that led to calls for Qalibaf to resign from the post in 2022.

Iran Warns Israel Of 'Obliterating' War If Lebanon Is Attacked

A photo taken from southern Lebanon shows smoke billowing in the northern Israeli town of Metulla from cross-border rockets launched from the Lebanese side on June 26.
A photo taken from southern Lebanon shows smoke billowing in the northern Israeli town of Metulla from cross-border rockets launched from the Lebanese side on June 26.

Tehran has warned that "all Resistance Fronts," a grouping of Iran and its regional allies, would confront Israel if it attacks Lebanon. The comment from Iran's mission to the UN in New York on June 29 comes amid fears of a wider regional war involving Israel and Iran-backed Hizballah movement in Lebanon. The two sides have engaged in near-daily exchanges of fire since the war in Gaza began. Israel's military said plans for a Lebanon offensive had been "approved and validated", prompting Hizballah to respond that none of Israel would be spared in a full-blown conflict. The war in Gaza began in October when militants from the U.S.- and EU-designated terror group Hamas attacked southern Israel.

Reformer Pezeshkian, Hard-Liner Jalili Headed To A Runoff In Iran's Presidential Election

Masud Pezeshkian (left) and Saeed Jalili look set to compete in a presidential election runoff on July 5. (composite file photo)
Masud Pezeshkian (left) and Saeed Jalili look set to compete in a presidential election runoff on July 5. (composite file photo)

Preliminary final results showed that reformist lawmaker Masud Pezeshkian and hard-liner Saeed Jalili will head to a second-round, runoff vote in Iran’s presidential election.

Mohsen Eslami, a spokesman for Iran’s election commission, said in comments on state TV on June 29 that the two candidates will face off on July 5, with Pezeshkian garnering 42.5 percent of ballots cast, and Jalili 38.6 percent.

Voter turnout, meanwhile, reached only 40 percent, he said, a record low.

The results knocked out of the race two other candidates: Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, a conservative speaker of parliament, and Mostafa Purmohammadi, a former justice and interior minister.

The early election was called after the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in May in a helicopter crash along with several other top officials.

All four candidates were vetted and approved by the Guardians Council, an unelected constitutional watchdog whose members are directly and indirectly appointed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The outcome of the election is unlikely to result in major policy shifts, but it could affect the succession to 85-year-old Khamenei, who has been the country’s supreme leader since 1989.

Why Iran's Presidential Election Matters More Than Past Votes
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Last-ditch efforts to rally behind a consensus conservative candidate failed on the eve of the election, with neither Qalibaf nor Jalili willing to drop out in favor of the other.

Conservatives have expressed concern that the lack of unity could split the vote to the benefit of reformist Pezeshkian, who has been a member of parliament since 2008. He served as deputy speaker from 2016 to 2020, when moderates and reformists had a majority in the legislature.

He has questioned Iran’s methods of enforcing the hijab, the Islamic head scarf for women, and spoken in favor of negotiating with the West. But he has said he will follow Khamenei’s policies if elected.

Jalili, who has never held elected office, serves as Khamenei’s personal representative on the Supreme National Security Council. During his 2007-13 term as the council’s secretary, he led the a delegation in failed talks with the West on Tehran’s nuclear program.

Iran’s political establishment has long maintained it derives its legitimacy from strong voter turnout, but poor participation in recent elections and popular protests have challenged the legitimacy of the current leadership.

WATCH: Speaking with RFE/RL's Radio Farda from inside Iran, some listeners said they would boycott the vote, while others said they hoped their participation would bring about reforms.

'Not Free At All': Iranians Voice Need For Change Amid Snap Presidential Election
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The estimated 40 percent turnout in the June 28 vote signaled apathy among many Iranians tired of the country’s persistent economic woes and international isolation.

Dissidents at home and abroad called for a boycott, arguing that past voting has failed to deliver change.

Iran’s supreme leader has the final say on all state matters and the president does not have much sway on many key issues.

Raisi died along with Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and several other officials when their helicopter crashed on May 19.

Many Iranians refer to him as the Butcher of Tehran for his alleged role in the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988 when he was Tehran's deputy prosecutor.

With reporting by RFE/RL correspondent Kian Sharifi

2 Dead As Gunmen Reportedly Attack Vehicle With Ballot Boxes In Iran

Election workers empty a ballot box in Iran's presidential election.
Election workers empty a ballot box in Iran's presidential election.

Unidentified gunmen attacked a vehicle carrying election boxes in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan Province, killing two security force members and injuring several others, Iran's state news agency IRNA reported early on June 29. Quoting an "informed source," IRNA said the attack occurred in the village of Jakigor just minutes after voting ended in a presidential election being held to replace Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash last month. Authorities did not immediately comment on the report. IRNA did not say whether the ballot boxes were damaged or taken.

'Not Free At All': Iranians Voice Need For Change Amid Snap Presidential Election

'Not Free At All': Iranians Voice Need For Change Amid Snap Presidential Election
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Iranians are casting ballots in a snap presidential election following the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. Speaking with RFE/RL's Radio Farda from inside Iran, some listeners said they would boycott the vote, while others said they hoped their participation would bring about reforms.

Iranians Go To The Polls To Replace President Killed In Helicopter Crash

Iranians are voting on June 28 to replace late President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a May helicopter crash in the country's northwest along with the foreign minister and several other officials.

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