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Kazakhstan Suspends Cattle Imports From Russia Over Anthrax Outbreak

Kazakhstan has suspended cattle imports from Russia amid concerns over an anthrax outbreak in northwestern Siberia.

The Kazakh Agriculture Ministry says the imports have been suspended as of August 3.

Russian officials say the anthrax outbreak in Yamalo-Nenets region has killed a 12-year-old boy, and more than 20 local residents have been diagnosed with the bacterial disease.

The outbreak, which officials say was fueled by a heat wave, has killed more than 2,300 reindeer in recent days in the remote region 2,000 kilometers northeast of Moscow, where indigenous nomadic people traditionally herd reindeer.

In June, an anthrax outbreak in Kazakhstan's Qaraghandy and East Kazakhstan regions killed two villagers.

Based on reporting by KazTAG and Kazinform