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Three Kyrgyz 'Rescued From 10-Year Slavery' In Kazakhstan

Kyrgyzstan's Foreign Ministry says three Kyrgyz citizens have been rescued from de-facto 10-year slavery in neighboring Kazakhstan.

Officials said one of the rescued Kyrgyz nationals, a 49-year woman, arrived in Bishkek on January 27.

The officials said a 48-year Kyrgyz man and his 17-year son, who were also rescued, are currently under protection on the premises of a nongovernmental organization in the Kazakh city of Almaty.

The three were reportedly used as workers against their will in Kazakhstan for some 10 years.

Further details about their alleged ordeal were not immediately available. Thousands of Kyrgyz citizens work in Russia and Kazakhstan as labor migrants.

Experts say that often their rights are violated because they do not have residence or work permits in those countries.

compiled from agency reports