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Russian Former World Champion Wrestler Kudukhov Dead

Russian wrestler Besik Kudukhov with his bronze medal on the podium during the Beijing Olympic Games in August 2008
Russian wrestler Besik Kudukhov with his bronze medal on the podium during the Beijing Olympic Games in August 2008
Russian former world-champion wrestler Besik Kudukhov has died at the age of 27 following a car accident.

Russia's national wrestling federation said in a statement on December 29 that Kudukhov's car collided with a truck near the southern Russian city of Armavir.

He was traveling to Krasnodar at the time.

Kudukhov was one of Russia's most successful wrestlers.

He won four world titles and two Olympic medals -- a bronze at the 2008 Beijing Games and silver at the 2012 London Games.

He also won one European championship title.

Kudukhov was due to be one of the torchbearers in the Sochi Winter Olympics torch relay in Krasnodar on February 4, three days before the opening ceremony.

Based on reporting by Reuters and ITAR-TASS

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