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Iran: Is Tehran Protecting Its Investment In Hizballah?

A pro-Hizballah demonstration in Tehran in July (Fars) WASHINGTON, August 14, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- Both Israel and Lebanon indicated their willingness to comply with UN Security Council Resolution 1701, agreed on which has brought a halt to nearly five weeks of fighting. Hizballah accepted the cease-fire but refused to disarm.

As a main sponsor of Hizballah, Iran could use its leverage to encourage compliance with the UN-brokered resolution. Tehran is criticizing the resolution, however -- whether due to its heavy ideological and material investment in Hizballah or because of its desire to use the Lebanese conflict to boost its own credentials.

The cease-fire resolution includes references to two previous resolutions (1559 and 1680) that call for the disarmament of all militias in Lebanon. It also notes that the Lebanese government must exercise full sovereignty in the country.

'Winners' And 'Losers'

As the only remaining militia of any consequence in Lebanon, Hizballah is referred to -- directly or indirectly -- in all three resolutions. Earlier this year, the Lebanese cabinet identified Hizballah as "the resistance" -- wording that obviates the disarmament requirement.

Hizballah initially announced that it accepted the resolution. But a Lebanese cabinet session on August 13, the eve of the cease-fire, was adjourned for a day after Hizballah announced that it would not disarm in the area where international peacekeepers and Lebanese army forces should deploy, Al-Arabiyah television reported.

Iran's Foreign Ministry responded to Resolution 1701 by saying it was "not balanced," and suggested its delay in ratification undermined the Security Council's credibility. Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Assefi said Iran was "happy" that the resolution was passed but stressed its failure to condemn alleged Israeli "crimes," according to Iran News Network. Assefi also described "Lebanon's resistance movement, [its] people, and Hezbollah" as the "absolute winners" in the conflict. Israel, he claimed, "was the total loser."

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad described the resolution as one-sided, state radio reported on August 14. In a reference to Israel, Ahmadinejad added that "the myth of the invincibility of this contrived and decayed regime crumbled thanks to the faith and self-confidence of Lebanon's Hizballah."

Iranian Involvement

Iran's role in the region is never mentioned explicitly in the UN resolution. But it is arguably alluded to in clauses on disarmament related to the conflict.

Specifically, the Security Council calls for an embargo on arms not destined for the Lebanese military, and says UN personnel will back efforts to prevent such smuggling. Iran is believed to have supplied Hizballah with a variety of missiles. Hizballah has used one such missile against an Israeli naval vessel and has fired many others at Israeli population centers.
An Iranian official with extensive involvement in Hizballah affairs acknowledged that Hizballah "has used" Iranian-manufactured missiles, in addition to Katyushas.

Iran has historically denied supplying Hizballah with arms.

But an Iranian official with extensive involvement in Hizballah affairs, Hojatoleslam Ali-Akbar Mohtashami-Pur, acknowledged in an extensive interview in the August 3 issue of "Sharq" that Hizballah "has used" Iranian-manufactured missiles (Zelzal-2), in addition to Katyushas. Mohtashami-Pur heads the Support for the Palestinian Intifada conference series and was a leader in the creation of Hizballah when he was Tehran's ambassador to Damascus in the 1980s. After noting Hizballah's use in the current conflict of Zelzal-2 missiles, Mohtashami-Pur warned that "there is no place in Palestine that is occupied by Israel which cannot be the target of the Hizballah missiles."

"Jane's Defense Weekly" claimed on August 7 that Iran intends to supply Hizballah with several types of handheld surface-to-air missiles. Quoting anonymous "Western diplomatic sources," the British-based weekly said those weapons include Russian-made missile systems -- specifically, the Strela-2/2 (SA-7 Grail), Strela-3 (SA-14 Gremlin), and the Igla-1E (SA-16 Gimlet). "Jane's" also suggested that Iran intends to provide Hizballah with a low- to very-low-altitude surface-to-air missile system (Mithaq-1) that is a model of the Chinese QW-1 system.

Iranian Training

Mohtashami-Pur also said that Hizballah personnel have been trained by Iranians in Lebanon, and have received training in Iran. He boasted that "many of the experienced Hizballah forces...were on [Iran's] fronts" in its eight-year war with Iraq, adding that "they carried out operations directly or under our cover."

"It is true that, at the beginning, the Hizballah forces were trained in Iran and Lebanon by the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps," Mohtashami-Pur said. He added that Guards Corps personnel fought in Lebanon in the early 1980s, but then Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini said it would be wiser to train the Lebanese. "At that moment, a new phase began, which was the training of the Lebanese forces; and it resulted in the establishment of the Hizballah and the resistance; and we saw that after 18 years Israel was defeated in the face of such a force and left Lebanon."
In a predominantly Sunni Muslim world, it is the Shi'ite "Party of God" -- Hizballah -- that is seen to be standing up to Israel. And it is Iran that inspired and still backs Hizballah, while most other countries do nothing.

Sheikh Naim Qasim, the deputy secretary-general of Hizballah, acknowledged the Iranian role in statements that appeared in "Le Monde" on August 11. He noted the establishment of Guards Corps training camps in the Bekaa Valley in the early 1980s, adding that the end of the Israeli occupation in 2000 benefited from "effective Iranian support."

It is possible that Hizballah personnel continue to receive training in Iran. A purported Hizballah fighter captured by Israeli forces acknowledged during interrogation that he received military training in Iran, Reuters reported on August 7, quoting Israeli military sources. The man, who identified himself as Mahmud Ali Suleiman, said he was accompanied by 40-50 other men when he went to Iran via Damascus airport to receive training on the use of antitank weapons.

Brothers In Arms?

There have been several reports in Israeli media suggesting that Iranian Guards Corps personnel have fought alongside Hizballah in the current conflict. This seems unlikely, because Tehran almost certainly recognizes the repercussions of an Iranian being captured and displayed on television. But this awareness does not rule out the presence of Guards Corps personnel who married into Lebanese families. Nor does it rule out the actions of deniable special-operations forces.

Hizballah's reluctance to disarm is to be expected. It has refused to do so since the Security Council issued Resolution 1559 in late 2004, although Israeli forces had withdrawn from Lebanon. Having drawn Israel into open warfare in the current situation, its retention of arms now appears justified. There is now little chance of Hizballah becoming merely another political organization representing one of the country's religious or ethnic communities.

Hizballah is not directed from Tehran. But as its main benefactor and ideological inspiration, Tehran is in a strong position to discourage Hizballah's cooperation with Resolution 1701.

There are several reasons why Iran might be tempted to pursue such a policy. Continuation of the current conflict could provide Iran with a moral high ground in regional affairs -- as it points accusingly at Western support for Israel and the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

The Iranians could argue that armed resistance is the only language the enemy understands. Moreover, in a predominantly Sunni Muslim world, it is the Shi'ite "Party of God" -- Hizballah -- that is seen to be standing up to Israel. And it is Iran that inspired and still backs Hizballah, while most other countries do nothing.

Iran, Syria, And Hizballah

Iran, Syria, And Hizballah

Iranians demonstrating in support of Hizballah in Tehran on July 17 (epa)

'FOR THE SAKE OF LEBANON': The Islamic Republic of Iran has served as an ideological inspiration for Hizballah since the Lebanese militant group's creation in 1982, and Tehran acknowledges that it supports the organization morally and politically. "Yes, we are friends of Syria and Iran" Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah has said. "For 24 years we benefited from our friendship with Syria and Iran for the sake of Lebanon...." (more)


Hizballah -- Past And Present

Tehran Playing Key Role In Israel-Lebanon Crisis

Iran, Hizballah Brush Off U.S. Terrorism Label

Intifada Conference In Tehran Has Multiple Objectives

UN Resolution Rankles Syria, Hizballah, Iran


RFE/RL coverage of Iran. RFE/RL web special on Iran's nuclear program.


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Trump Briefed On Alleged Assassination Threats By Iran, His Campaign Says

Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump (file photo)
Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump (file photo)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was briefed on September 24 by U.S. intelligence officials on alleged threats from Iran to assassinate him, Trump's campaign said in a statement. The campaign said intelligence officials have identified that Iranian threats have "heightened in the past few months" and U.S. government officials were working to protect Trump and ensure the elections were not impacted. Iran has previously denied U.S. claims of interfering in American affairs. Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations in New York did not respond to a request for comment late on September 24.

Explainer: Are We Witnessing The Start Of The Third Lebanon War?

Explainer: Are We Witnessing The Start Of The Third Lebanon War?
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Are Israel's latest attacks on Lebanon part of a serious escalation that could already be considered a war without ground troops? And will its bet against time allow Hezbollah to be neutralized before massive retaliations are launched?


Pezeshkian Says Tehran Ready To Cooperate To End Nuclear Standoff

Iranian President Masud Pezeshkian addresses the 79th United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 24.
Iranian President Masud Pezeshkian addresses the 79th United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 24.

Iranian President Masud Pezeshkian has told the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that Iran is ready to end its nuclear standoff with the West and called for an end to the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East through dialogue.

"We are ready to engage with JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) participants if JCPOA commitments are implemented fully and in good faith. Dialogue on other issues can follow," Pezeshkian said in his first address to the annual gathering on September 24.

Pezeshkian, who was sworn in as president in July after being elected following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, has previously said Tehran would be open to holding talks with the United States to restart the 2015 nuclear deal.

President Donald Trump in 2018 unilaterally pulled the United States out of the deal, which was also signed by China, France, Russia, Britain, Germany, and the European Union, and reimposed crippling financial sanctions against Tehran.

President Joe Biden has sought to restart the agreement, but Washington and Tehran have disagreed on terms.

Pezeshkian said Iran hoped to see an easing of sanctions, which he called "destructive and inhumane weapons designed to cripple a nation's economy."

He called for a new global paradigm that focuses on opportunities "rather than being obsessed with perceived threats," saying there is an opportunity to transcend limitations and enter a new era.

"This era will commence with the acknowledgement of Iran's security concerns and cooperation on mutual challenges," he said.

Relations between Iran and the West have worsened since the Iranian-backed Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union, attacked southern Israel on October 7, 2023, and as Tehran has increased its support for Russia's war in Ukraine.

But Pezeshkian emphasized in his UNGA speech that Iran wants "peace for all and seek(s) no war or quarrel with anyone" and the urgent need to end military hostilities in Ukraine.

"We support all peaceful solutions and believe that dialogue is the only way to resolve this crisis," he said.

Pezeshkian also sharply criticized Israel for what he called "its genocide in Gaza" and said it should stop immediately.

"It is imperative that the international community should a permanent cease-fire in Gaza and bring an end to the desperate barbarism of Israel in Lebanon before it engulfs the region and the world," he said.

Pezeshkian earlier warned that Israel's air campaign in response to attacks by Hezbollah -- designated as a terrorist organization by the Unites States -- on its territory from southern Lebanon "may turn into a regional war."

Pezeshkian told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an interview that aired on September 23 that Iran is supporting Hezbollah because the group "cannot stand alone" in the face of the attacks.

"The danger does exist that the fire of events that are taking place (in Lebanon) will expand to the entire region," he said in the interview, given in Persian and translated into English.

Iran has long been Hezbollah's main sponsor.

Israel's Deadly Strikes On Lebanon Mark Start Of New War

Rescuers inspect the debris at the site of an overnight Israeli strike on a pharmacy in the southern Lebanese village of Akbiyeh on September 24.
Rescuers inspect the debris at the site of an overnight Israeli strike on a pharmacy in the southern Lebanese village of Akbiyeh on September 24.

Israel has conducted the deadliest bombardment of Lebanon since a devastating five-week conflict with Lebanese militant group Hezbollah in 2006.

The September 23-24 attacks that killed hundreds of people mark the start of a new war between Israel and its longtime foe, Hezbollah, experts say.

The sides have exchanged constant cross-border strikes since Israel launched its war in the Gaza Strip in October. Hezbollah has said it has fired rockets on Israel in solidarity with Palestinians.

But Israel's deadly air strikes, coming soon after a series of exploding device attacks in Lebanon that was widely blamed on Israel, indicate the outbreak of a new conflict.

"Both sides can escalate further, but we're already at a level of violence that matches the Second Lebanon War" in 2006, said Michael Horowitz, head of intelligence at the Bahrain-based Le Beck International consultancy.

The distinction between the ongoing conflict and a full-scale war "is becoming so narrow that it's almost irrelevant," Horowitz added.

Iran-backed Hezbollah is reeling from a series of setbacks in recent months as Israel has assassinated key members of its leadership and command structure. Israel's suspected attack last week targeting pagers and walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah fighters also compromised the group's communications.

Explainer: Are We Witnessing The Start Of The Third Lebanon War?
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Despite suffering significant losses, experts say the Lebanese militant group should not be written off.

Horowitz warned that putting Hezbollah "fully out of combat is not a realistic objective," given its military arsenal as well as its manpower, which numbers in the tens of thousands.

Hezbollah has retaliated to Israel's aerial bombardment by firing rockets at northern Israel. But the group has yet to use its more sophisticated weapons, such as drones and medium- and long-range rockets that can strike deep into Israeli territory.

Hezbollah insists it will continue to strike Israel unless a cease-fire deal is reached to end the Gaza war. Israel, however, says its goal is to ensure security along its northern border with Lebanon so that displaced Israelis can return home.

Vehicles wait in traffic in Damour, south of the capital, Beirut, as people flee southern Lebanon on September 24.
Vehicles wait in traffic in Damour, south of the capital, Beirut, as people flee southern Lebanon on September 24.

"The Israelis think that if they apply enough pressure on Hezbollah, the group will eventually agree to decouple the Lebanon front from the Gaza front -- or face so many losses that its ability to continue the war of attrition it waged against Israel for 11 months will be significantly reduced," Horowitz said.

But experts say Israel is adopting a dangerous strategy by ramping up its attacks against Hezbollah.

"The assessment may be that Israel can neutralize a significant part of Hezbollah's arsenal before the group can use it to carry out massive attacks against central Israel, and that Iran and Hezbollah may also be deterred from escalating," Horowitz said. "That's a very risky bet."

Iran, Hezbollah's key backer, has been reluctant to directly get involved in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict.

Speaking to RFE/RL's Radio Farda, London-based political commentator Jalali Hashemi said Hezbollah's relatively muted response to the September 23-24 attacks and Iran's unwillingness to get into a direct confrontation with Israel have emboldened Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to carry out "more devastating attacks."

Iran and Israel have come to the brink of war on several occasions, including after the killing of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, in Tehran in July. Tehran blamed Israel and pledged to retaliate, although there has been no direct military response by Iran.

Iranian President Masud Pezeshkian warned that Israel's air campaign in Lebanon "may turn into a regional war."

Ali Mohtadi, a Britain-based regional expert, said that during the Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006 Tehran refrained from getting directly involved in the hostilities. Instead, Iran provided its ally with logistical support and weapons.

"It is possible that this time, even though Iran is in a different place compared to 2006, it will continue to provide the same level of support to Lebanon [Hezbollah]," Mohtadi told Radio Farda.

With reporting by Elaheh Ravanshad and Hooman Askary of RFE/RL's Radio Farda

Iranian Hackers Behind Attack Urging Revenge For Koran Burnings, Sweden Says

Sweden has seen a series of public burnings of the Islamic holy book. Stockholm has voiced condemnation but said it cannot stop acts protected under laws on free expression. (file photo)
Sweden has seen a series of public burnings of the Islamic holy book. Stockholm has voiced condemnation but said it cannot stop acts protected under laws on free expression. (file photo)

Iran's security service was behind a special operation against targets in Sweden, the Nordic country's Prosecutor's Office said.

The operation saw hackers send thousands of text messages to Swedes calling for revenge over 2023 burnings of the Koran, according to the Prosecutor's Office.

Senior prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist said in a statement on September 24 that a preliminary investigation showed "it was the Iranian state via the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), that carried out a data breach at a Swedish company that runs a major SMS service."

He added that investigators were able to establish the identities of the Iranian hackers who carried out the data breach.

"The aim was to further tighten the situation and increase the conflict that prevailed between different groups in society," Ljungqvist said, adding that while the conditions for prosecution abroad or extradition to Sweden "are lacking" for those suspected of being behind the breach, the case can be reopened.

It "does not mean that the suspected hackers have been completely written off. As long as the crime is not time-barred, prosecutors can open the preliminary investigation again," Ljungqvist said.

The Iranian Embassy in Stockholm said that the accusations and the act of publishing them "poison and affect the atmosphere of bilateral relations."

The embassy "considers the accusations to be baseless and rejects them," Iran's Tasnim news agency quoted the embassy as saying.

Sweden last summer saw a series of Koran burnings that sparked massive unrest and strained relations between Stockholm and several Middle Eastern countries.

While the Swedish government officially condemned the burnings of a book Muslims consider as the sacred word of God, lawmakers also said they could not stop the actions as they were protected by freedom of speech and assembly laws.

The issue also delayed Sweden's entry to NATO as Turkey raised objections saying it was "unacceptable to allow anti-Islam protests in the name of freedom of expression."

Swedish prosecutors said a group calling itself the Anzu team was the sender of the 15,000 text messages sent to Swedes that called for revenge against Koran burners.

They did not identify the Swedish company that runs the SMS text service.

Exploding Gadgets, Gaza, Ukraine Top The Agenda For World Leaders At UN

Exploding Gadgets, Gaza, Ukraine Top The Agenda For World Leaders At UN
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World leaders are gathering in New York from September 24 for the annual United Nations General Assembly. Escalating tensions in the Middle East after Israeli strikes in Lebanon and attacks on electronic devices, plus the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine are expected to dominate the agenda.

Iranian Authorities Confirm 38 Dead In Coal Mine Blast, 14 Still Missing

Miners gather outside after a gas explosion at a coal mine in Iran's South Khorasan Province on September 22.
Miners gather outside after a gas explosion at a coal mine in Iran's South Khorasan Province on September 22.

Iranian authorities on September 23 updated the death toll in a mining explosion to 38, with 14 others still trapped within the mine.

The new death toll was lower that the 51 reported dead on September 22, a day after a coal mine in eastern Iran exploded. Iranian state TV said a methane leak caused the blast late on September 21 at the mine in Tabas, some 540 kilometers southeast of the capital, Tehran.

The efforts to rescue those trapped are proving difficult due to high levels of methane still present throughout the mine, according to Javad Ghenaat, governor of South Khorasan, the province where Tabas is located.

"The concentration of gas in the tunnel of block C is very high, especially at the end of the mine, which has slowed down the rescue and evacuation operations, but continuous work is being done to reach the workshop," Ghenaat said.

Iranian Interior Minister Iskandar Momeni said on September 22 that rescue forces were "400 meters away" from those still trapped within the mine.

An investigation has been opened to determine the cause of the incident, according to Iranian authorities. The prosecutor of South Khorasan, Ali Nesai Zahan, announced that an investigation was under way. He also said no one was yet arrested in connection to the incident, and that authorities are awaiting expert opinion to better understand the cause of the explosion.

The explosion has led to the announcement of three days of public morning in South Khorasan, with senior officials from across the country going to Tabas to offer their condolences.

Lax safety standards and inadequate emergency services in mining areas are often blamed for mining accidents. Last year, an explosion at a coal mine in the northern city of Damghan killed six people, and in May 2021 two more died at the same site due to a collapse.

Iranian Grammy Winner Says Security Case Against Him Dropped

Shervin Hajipour (file photo)
Shervin Hajipour (file photo)

Grammy Award winner Shervin Hajipour, who was facing a prison sentence for creating the viral song Baraye, said on September 23 that his case had been closed and he'd been granted amnesty. In a social media post announcing the news, Hajipour expressed hope that his generation would be able to "live the life it deserves." An Iranian court in March sentenced the 27-year-old to three years and eight months in prison for "inciting unrest against national security" and "spreading propaganda against the regime." He was also ordered to write a song about U.S. "atrocities." The song Baraye became the anthem of the "Women, Life, Freedom" protests in Iran that followed the September 2022 death of Mahsa Amini while in police custody for allegedly improperly wearing a head scarf. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Radio Farda, click here.

Coal Carts Carry The Dead Out Of Iranian Mine After Blast

Coal Carts Carry The Dead Out Of Iranian Mine After Blast
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Iranian coal workers pulled mining carts loaded with the bodies of dozens of their colleagues out of the Tabas mine in Iran's South Khorasan Province on September 22. More than 50 miners were killed. Authorities and state media announced that a methane explosion rocked the site late on September 21. Iranian news agencies showed rescuers carrying injured workers to ambulances. It remains unclear how many remain trapped in the mine.


At Least 51 Dead After Blast Rips Through Coal Mine In Iran

Rescuers work following a gas explosion in a coal mine in South Khorasan Province on September 22.
Rescuers work following a gas explosion in a coal mine in South Khorasan Province on September 22.

At least 51 people are dead and 20 injured after a blast at a coal mine in eastern Iran, Iranian media report.

Iranian state TV said a methane leak caused the blast late on September 21 at the mine in Tabas, some 540 kilometers southeast of the capital, Tehran. Twenty-four miners were believed to be trapped inside.

Around 70 people had been working there at the time of the blast.

Iran's new reformist President Masud Pezeshkian, preparing to travel to New York for the United Nations General Assembly, said he ordered all efforts be made to rescue those trapped and aid their families. He also said an investigation into the incident had begun.

The accident was caused by a methane gas explosion in the B and C blocks of the mine., which is run by the Madanjoo company, state media later reported.

"Seventy-six percent of the country's coal is provided from this region and around eight to 10 big companies are working in the region, including the Madanjoo company," the governor of South Khorasan Province, Ali Akbar Rahimi, told state TV on September 22.

Earlier, state TV broadcast footage of ambulances and helicopters arriving at the scene of the incident to transport the injured to hospitals.

Iran's Red Crescent said search-and-rescue operations were under way in the mine.

"Gas accumulation in the mine" has made the search operations difficult, local prosecutor Ali Nesaei was quoted by IRNA as saying.

"Currently, the priority is to provide aid to the injured and pull people from under the rubble," Nesaei said.

He added that "the negligence and fault of the relevant agents will be dealt with" later.

This is not the first disaster to strike Iran's mining industry.

Last year, an explosion at a coal mine in the northern city of Damghan killed six people, also likely the result of methane, according to local media.

In May 2021, two miners died in a collapse at the same site, local media reported at the time.

A blast in 2017 killed 43 miners in Azad Shahr city in northern Iran, triggering a wave of anger directed at the authorities.

Lax safety standards and inadequate emergency services in mining areas are often blamed for the accidents.

Besides its oil, Iran is also rich in a variety of minerals. Iran annually uses some 3.5 million tons of coal but only extracts about 1.8 million tons from its mines per year. The rest is imported, often used to fuel the country’s steel mills.

With reporting by AFP and AP

Iran Says Response To Killing Of Militia Commander A Matter For Hezbollah

Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi (file photo)
Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi (file photo)

Iran has strongly condemned the targeted killing of a military commander of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia in an Israeli air strike in Beirut. However, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said that Iran, an ally of Hezbollah, is not planning a direct act of revenge. "The incident is a matter for Hezbollah, and it will certainly show an appropriate reaction in due course," the Iranian chief diplomat said, according to a report published by Iran's ISNA news agency on September 21. Iran would push for international condemnation of Israeli "war crimes" to prevent an even more dangerous escalation of the situation in the Middle East, the minister said.

Iran Presents New Kamikaze Drone At Tehran Military Parade

A Qader cruise missile is seen during the annual military parade in Tehran on September 21.
A Qader cruise missile is seen during the annual military parade in Tehran on September 21.

Iran presented the latest version of its kamikaze drone at a military parade in Tehran on September 21. State broadcaster IRIB reported that the Shahed 136-B drone has a range of 4,000 kilometers. Iran claims to have made great strides in the production of drones in recent years. They are said to play a central role in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, though Tehran categorically rejects accusations it is supplying Moscow with weapons for its unprovoked aggression.

Iran Says Israel 'Lost Deterrent Power' After Hezbollah Attack

Civil defense workers and citizens inspect the remains of a car that was hit by an Israeli strike in the southern port city of Sidon, Lebanon, on August 26.
Civil defense workers and citizens inspect the remains of a car that was hit by an Israeli strike in the southern port city of Sidon, Lebanon, on August 26.

Israel has reportedly launched new strikes at Hezbollah, which has been designated at terrorist organization by the United States, just inside Lebanon a day after a heavy exchange of missile and drone attacks between the two foes that Iran claimed showed a shift in the balance of power.

State media reported on August 26 that Israel targeted the border village of Tair Harfa and an area near Sidon in Lebanon a day after Hezbollah launched scores of rockets and drones against targets in northern and central Israel in the early hours of August 25. The attack came shortly after Israel carried out what it described as preemptive strikes targeting Hezbollah’s rocket launchers.

There were no immediate reports of casualties from Israel's strikes on August 26.

Iran said on August 26 that the exchange of fire, which marked one of the largest clashes to hit the Middle East since war broke out in the Gaza Strip last October, showed Israel has lost not only its ability to anticipate small-scale attacks but also its deterrent power.

“Despite the full backing of its supporters, including the United States, Israel has lost its deterrent power and ability to predict the time and place of even a limited and calibrated attack,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani wrote on X, referring to the large-scale attack on Israel by Iran’s Lebanese ally Hezbollah a day earlier.

“The occupying regime has always sought territorial expansion, but now has to defend itself within the occupied territories,” Kanani added. “Fear has been embedded in the homes of the residents of the occupied lands.”

Israeli officials said the preemptive attack prevented the launch of “thousands” of rockets. Hezbollah claimed to have launched more than 320 rockets and drones but Israel put the figure at around 150.

Israel Intercepts Hezbollah Missiles, Bombs Southern Lebanon
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Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah alleged that the group’s operation was calibrated to ensure it did not trigger a full-scale conflict.

Addressing Nasrallah and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel's preemptive operation was "another step toward changing the situation in the north and returning our residents safely to their homes."

Hezbollah said its operation was “phase one” of its retaliation for the killing of Fuad Shukr, widely believe to be Hezbollah’s second-most powerful person. Shukr was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut on July 30.

Hours after Shukr’s assassination, the political leader of the EU- and U.S.-designated Palestinian terrorist group Hamas was killed in Tehran. Iran vowed to avenge Ismail Haniyeh and accused Israel of killing him. Israel has neither denied nor claimed responsibility.

In his speech, Nasrallah said one reason why Hezbollah took nearly a month to hit Israel was because it was discussing with Iran and other allies about whether to carry out a coordinated attack on Israel or attack separately.

Pressure has been growing on Iran to deliver on its promised attack against Israel to avenge Haniyeh.

During a phone call on August 25 with Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, Iran’s top diplomat Abbas Araqchi insisted that a “measured and well-calculated” response will come.

“We do not fear escalation, yet do not seek it -- unlike Israel,” Araqchi told his Italian counterpart.

Did A Budapest-Based Company Make Pagers Used In Attack On Hezbollah?

Different company names, among them the BAC Consulting KFT, are displayed at the entrance to the building housing them, on September 18 in Budapest.
Different company names, among them the BAC Consulting KFT, are displayed at the entrance to the building housing them, on September 18 in Budapest.

BUDAPEST -- A Budapest-based company alleged to have made the pagers used in the deadly attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon appears to have only one employee working from an empty office that offers a range of services but not pager manufacturing.

At least 12 people were killed and nearly 3,000 wounded when pagers used by members of Hezbollah, which has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, detonated simultaneously across Lebanon on September 17.

One official from Hezbollah, Iran's most powerful proxy in the Middle East, called the attack the group's "biggest security breach" in its history.

In a second wave of attacks, walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah detonated on September 18 across Lebanon's south. The country's Health Ministry said at least 20 people were killed and more than 450 injured.

Images of pagers destroyed in the September 17 simultaneous detonations indicated they were consistent with pagers made by Gold Apollo, a Taiwan-based company.

Gold Apollo founder Hsu Ching-Kuang said the pagers used in the explosion were made by a company in Europe that Gold Apollo named in a statement as BAC Consulting KFT.

The statement added that according to a cooperation agreement, BAC is authorized to "use our brand trademark for product sales in designated regions, but the design and manufacturing of the products are solely the responsibility of BAC."

"The product was not ours. It was only that it had our brand on it," Hsu told reporters at the company's offices in the northern Taiwanese city of New Taipei on September 18.

However, the head of the Budapest-based company BAC Consulting KFT later told NBC News that her company did not make the pagers.

"I don't make the pagers. I am just the intermediate. I think you got it wrong," a person who identified themselves as Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono told the U.S. broadcaster.

How Have Hezbollah's Devices Put It At Risk?
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According to RFE/RL's Hungarian Service, Barsony-Arcidacono, 49, has an apartment in Ujpest, a central district of Budapest, and had been engaged in business activities there since 2021.

Efforts to contact Barsony-Arcidiancono by RFE/RL were unsuccessful. The Hungarian Interior Ministry did not response to queries from RFE/RL on whether authorities planned to open a probe on the matter.

The stated address for BAC Consulting in Budapest is a peach-colored building on a mostly residential street in an outer suburb.

A person at the building who asked not to be named told RFE/RL's Hungarian Service he had never met any employees from BAC Consulting and only mail was forwarded to that address once a month.

The official register described the company as a "leadership consulting" business that was established in 2022.

The company's LinkedIn page boasts of having "over a decade of consulting experience."

"With over a decade of consulting experience, we are on an exciting and rewarding journey with our network of passionate experts with a hunger for innovation and discovery for the Environment, Innovation & Development, and International Affairs. We work internationally as agents of change with a network of consultants who put their knowledge, experience, and humanity into our projects in a connecting and authentic journey," it reads.

Besides consulting, its registered business activities also included everything from broadcast equipment production to hairdressing and even oil extraction. The company's website makes no reference to pager manufacturing. Revenue for 2022 was the equivalent of $700,000, with that figure dipping to a reported $565,000.

Barsony-Arcidiacono is listed as the CEO and sole employee of BAC Consulting KFT. On her LinkedIn page profile, she claims to have worked as an adviser for several organizations, including the European Commission, the EU’s top executive body, and UNESCO, the UN’s cultural organization.

Under education, she lists the London School of Economics and the SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) University in London.

Second Wave Of Remote Detonations Kills At Least 20 People In Lebanon

People react after a reported explosion occurred on September 18 during the funeral of those killed when hundreds of paging devices exploded across Lebanon the previous day.
People react after a reported explosion occurred on September 18 during the funeral of those killed when hundreds of paging devices exploded across Lebanon the previous day.

A second wave of device explosions killed at least 20 people and wounded hundreds more in Lebanon, officials said on September 18, stoking fears of an all-out war in the region.

A security source and a witness said Hezbollah, which has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, said walkie-talkies used by its members blew up in its Beirut stronghold. State media reported similar blasts in southern and eastern Lebanon.

At least one of the blasts took place near a funeral for people killed the previous day when thousands of pagers used by the group exploded. The number of dead in those attacks was 12, with more than 2,700 people wounded, including many Hezbollah fighters.

The Lebanese Health Ministry described the devices targeted in the September 18 attack as walkie-talkies. Late on September 18, it revised the number of dead from 14 to 20 in a statement that also said more than 450 were wounded.

Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and the EU, accused Israel of being behind the latest blasts, saying the action threatened stability in the region.

Hezbollah and the Lebanese government also blamed Israel for what appeared to be a sophisticated remote attack. Israel, which has not commented, announced prior to the September 17 attack that it was broadening the aims of its war in Gaza against Hamas to include Hezbollah, Hamas’s ally in Lebanon.

Speaking to Israeli troops on September 18, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said: “We are at the start of a new phase in the war -- it requires courage, determination and perseverance.” He made no mention of the exploding devices but praised the work of Israel’s army and security agencies, saying “the results are very impressive.”

Hezbollah said on September 18 that it attacked Israeli artillery positions with rockets in the first strike since the pager blasts.

The White House warned all sides against escalation.

"We don't believe that the way to solve where we're at in this crisis is by additional military operations at all," National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

"We still believe that the best way to prevent escalation, to prevent another front from opening up in Lebanon, is through diplomacy," Kirby said.

Human Rights Watch's former executive director, Kenneth Roth, commented on the attacks on X, saying that international humanitarian law prohibits the use of booby traps -- objects that civilians are likely to use -- "precisely to avoid putting civilians at grave risk."

The Iranian envoy to the United Nations said in a letter that Tehran will follow up on the pager detonation attack in which its ambassador to Lebanon was injured. It added that it "reserves its rights under international law to take required measures deemed necessary to respond."

The pagers were reportedly ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo, which said they had been produced by BAC Consulting in Hungary and had no parts that could be related to Gold Apollo.

“According to the cooperation agreement, we authorize BAC to use our brand trademark for product sales in designated regions, but the design and manufacturing of the products are solely the responsibility of BAC,” the statement said.

The Taiwanese company also described BAC Consulting's payment method from a Middle Eastern bank account as strange.

A Hungarian government spokesman said the company was "a trading intermediary, with no manufacturing or operational site in Hungary."

BAC Consulting was registered as a limited liability company in May 2022, the Associated Press reported. It is a one-person business registered to its owner, Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono, who describes herself on the social media platform LinkedIn as a strategic adviser and business developer.

How Have Hezbollah's Devices Put It At Risk?
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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated that the United States knew nothing about the attacks.

"We’re still gathering the information and gathering the facts," Blinken said at a news conference in Cairo. "Broadly speaking, we’ve been very clear and we remain very clear about the importance of all parties avoiding any steps that could further escalate the conflict that we’re trying to resolve in Gaza to see it spread to other fronts."

The UN Security Council will meet on September 20 to discuss the pager blasts, said Slovenia's UN Ambassador Samuel Zbogar, president of the 15-member council for September.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned earlier on September 18 that the pager blasts indicate "a serious risk of a dramatic escalation in Lebanon and everything must be done to avoid that escalation."

"Obviously the logic of making all these devices explode is to do it as a preemptive strike before a major military operation," he told reporters in New York.

He also said that it was very important not to weaponize civilian objects.

Guterres "urges all concerned actors to exercise maximum restraint to avert any further escalation," said Guterres spokesman Stephane Dujarric in a statement.

With reporting by AP and AFP

9 Killed, Thousands Wounded In Simultaneous Explosion Of Pagers In Lebanon, Minister Says

An ambulance arrives at a hospital in Beirut on September 17 after simultaneous pager explosions in Lebanon.
An ambulance arrives at a hospital in Beirut on September 17 after simultaneous pager explosions in Lebanon.

At least nine people were killed and 2,750 were wounded when pagers exploded simultaneously in Lebanon, the health minister said on September 17 after the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militant group said two of its members and a girl were among those killed in the "mysterious" explosions.

Health Minister Firass Abiad said 200 of the injuries were critical, and Iran's ambassador in Beirut was among those injured, Iranian media reported.

Lebanese Information Minister Ziad Makary condemned the detonation of the pagers as an "Israeli aggression," while Hezbollah said Israel would receive "its fair punishment" for the blasts.

Mojtaba Amani, Iran's ambassador in Beirut, was injured, Iranian media reported. The Fars news agency, which is close to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, quoted an unidentified informed source as saying that Amani suffered a "superficial injury" as a result of a pager explosion.

The news channel of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Mehr news agency also reported that Amani was injured.

The pagers that exploded were the latest models of the devices that Hezbollah imported into the country in recent month, Reuters reported, citing three unidentified sources.

Reports from Lebanon indicate that "hundreds" of members of the Lebanese Hezbollah group, including fighters and aid workers, were injured in the explosion of the pagers in southern Lebanon and its suburbs.

The Lebanese Foreign Ministry called it an "Israeli cyberattack," adding that some of the pagers that exploded were in Syria. The ministry also said in a statement that it was preparing to submit a complaint to the UN Security Council.

"This dangerous and deliberate Israeli escalation is accompanied by Israeli threats to expand the scope of the war against Lebanon on a large scale, and by the intransigence of Israeli's positions calling for more bloodshed, destruction, and devastation," it said.

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, the UN special coordinator for Lebanon, said in a statement that she deplored the attack, warning that it "marked an extremely concerning escalation."

Without commenting directly on the explosions, an Israeli military spokesman said the chief of staff, Major General Herzi Halevi, had met with senior officers to assess the situation. No policy change was announced but "vigilance must continue to be maintained," he said, according to Reuters.

The United States was not aware in advance and had no involvement in the explosions, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

The blasts came after weeks of private diplomacy by the United States to discourage Iran from retaliating against Israel for the killing of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas political chief, in Tehran.

Amos Yadlin, the former head of Israeli military intelligence, told RFE/RL that whoever carried out the pager-explosion operation intended to send a "clear message" to Hezbollah.

Yadlin said it could be a response to a plot to assassinate a senior Israeli security official that the Israeli security apparatus announced. He also noted that Hezbollah continues its attacks on Israel as it tries to link itself to the Gaza conflict, and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah does not want to stop these attacks.

The Israeli government decided on September 16 to add the safe return of its citizens to the north as a goal in the war. This was part of an Israeli cabinet announcement that was expanding its war objectives and the focus of its almost yearlong campaign against the extremist group Hamas, which has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union, in Gaza to confront Hezbollah on its northern border with Lebanon.

Nasrallah must understand that his actions will lead to a shift in Israeli policy, Yadlin told RFE/RL.

"However, whether this policy shift will result in a full-scale war or a limited military operation will become clear in the coming days. In any case, we are now in a new phase," he said

The events coincide with the return of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the region to try to revive cease-fire talks on the Israeli-Hamas war.

While the focus of the war has been on Gaza, exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah, Hamas's ally in Lebanon, have killed hundreds of people, mostly militants in Lebanon and dozens of civilians and soldiers in Israel, and caused tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border to flee.

Israel's announcement on expanding its objectives came a day after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that "military action" was the only way left for Israel's northern communities to return to their homes.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin discussed Middle East tensions with Gallant on September 17, the Pentagon announced.

"Secretary Austin spoke by phone today with his Israeli counterpart to touch base regarding ongoing tensions in the Middle East and the threats facing Israel," Pentagon spokesman Major General Pat Ryder told journalists.

Ryder declined to say whether the explosions were discussed.

With reporting by Reuters, AFP, and AP

Full-Blown War Between Israel And Iran-Backed Hezbollah 'Not In The Interests' Of Tehran

A Hezbollah supporter holds up portraits of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Beirut.
A Hezbollah supporter holds up portraits of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Beirut.

For months, Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah have traded constant cross-border attacks that have killed dozens and displaced thousands of people.

Now there are fears of a full-blown war between the foes amid the fallout from a deadly rocket attack from Lebanon hit the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Hezbollah quickly denied it was responsible for the July 27 attack that killed 12 people, including children. But Israel has vowed to retaliate against Iran-backed Hezbollah.

Experts say no side wants an all-out war in a region that has been reeling since Israel in October launched its war against Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that runs the Gaza Strip and has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union.

The rocket strike hit a soccer field in Majdal Shams on July 27, killing 12 members of the Druze community.
The rocket strike hit a soccer field in Majdal Shams on July 27, killing 12 members of the Druze community.

Michael Horowitz, head of intelligence at the Bahrain-based Le Beck International consultancy, said Israel and Hezbollah are on the brink of a major escalation.

"Though, I do think that neither side is interested in one," he said, adding that "a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is very dangerous" for Iran.

Tehran is Hezbollah's main ally, and the Lebanese militant group is a key member of Iran's so-called axis of resistance, its loose network of militant groups and proxies that aid it in opposing Israel and the United States.

Hezbollah is also considered a key part of Iran's efforts to deter Israel or Washington from going to war against Tehran.

'Too Costly' For Iran

Hezbollah and Iranian-backed militant groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen have carried out attacks against Israel after it launched its devastating war in Gaza, which came shortly after Hamas's October 7 attack in Israel that killed around 1,200 people.

Hamidreza Azizi, a fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, said the goal of the attacks was to "pressure Israel" and "save Hamas," which is backed by Iran.

"This coordination has been clearly supported by Iran, but the final aim is not to expand the scope of the war but to end it," he added. "I don't think there is any way Iran would benefit from a war between Israel and Hezbollah."

Azizi said Iran and its allies have become increasingly concerned about the cost of their hostilities with Israel, which has retaliated by targeting the commanders, military facilities, and financial activities of Iran-backed groups including Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is considered Iran's leading militant partner, helping Tehran manage its network of regional state and nonstate allies.

Horowitz described the Lebanese group as "the most powerful tool in Iran's arsenal" that in some ways may even be "more powerful than Iran itself" in deterring Israel.

If a war breaks out, Iran could be dragged in to defend its key ally, Horowitz said.

"And if Israel is already paying the price of fighting Hezbollah, Iran's main military force, it may also be willing to take more risks vis-a-vis Iran."

Hezbollah's Balancing Act

Hezbollah has not usually shied away from claiming attacks on Israeli targets. But it issued a rare denial of responsibility after the attack in the Golan Heights.

Horowitz attributed the denial to the civilian death toll, but also because the victims were all members of the Druze community, an Arabic-speaking ethnic and religious minority in Lebanon, Syria, the Golan Heights, and northern Israel.

Horowitz said most members of the Druze community in the Golan Heights, which was annexed by Israel from Syria in 1981, do not see themselves as Israelis.

He added that Hezbollah is also aware that the Lebanese public does not want another costly war with Israel.

In 2006, Hezbollah's kidnapping of Israeli border guards ignited a devastating five-week conflict with Israel that killed 1,200 Lebanese, most of them civilians.

If there was a full-blown war with Israel, "many in Lebanon may ask why Hezbollah gambled the fate of a country already on the brink, and how the killing of Druze children and teenagers helped the Palestinian cause that Hezbollah claims to defend," Horowitz said.

What If War Breaks Out?

With tensions running high and Israel's security cabinet on July 29 authorizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to retaliate against Hezbollah, the prospect of a full-blown war appears to be real.

On the evening of July 30, Israel launched an air strike in Beirut that it said killed Fuad Shukr, one of Hezbollah’s leading military figures since it was founded in the 1980s. Hours later, Hamas’s political leader, Ismail Haniyeh, was killed on a visit to Tehran. While Israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike against Haniyeh, Iran explicitly blamed its archfoe.

Prior to the two killings, Azizi said Iran and its regional allies were "prepared for another phase of significant but incremental escalation against Israel."

But he said whether Iran gets directly involved could depend on how a potential war between Israel and Hezbollah plays out.

If war broke out, members of the axis of resistance would likely intensify their attacks against Israel while also targeting U.S. troops and bases in the region in a bid to pressure Washington to rein in Israel, Azizi said.

He added that Hezbollah could defend itself and possibly respond if Israel limits its offensive to an aerial assault. But given that Israeli attacks have depleted its command in recent months, the Lebanese group could struggle to fend off a ground offensive, he said.

In that case, the overseas arm of the Iran's powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the Quds Force, could put boots on the ground to help Hezbollah, Azizi said.

If the threat to Hezbollah grew, he added, Tehran could decide to directly target Israel as it did in April, when it launched an unprecedented direct air attack against its archenemy.

Horowitz said while direct Iranian involvement would be possible if Hezbollah sustained critical damage, Iran will still try to steer clear of exposing itself directly.

"After all, Hezbollah's role [in Iran's view] is to defend Tehran -- not the opposite," he said.

This article has been updated to include an Israeli strike in Beirut on July 30 and a second strike, which Iran blamed on Israel, in Tehran on July 31.

Israel And Hezbollah Edge Closer To Conflict Neither Side Desires

A view shows smoke and fire on the Lebanese side of the border with Israel, as seen from Tyre, southern Lebanon, early on August 25.
A view shows smoke and fire on the Lebanese side of the border with Israel, as seen from Tyre, southern Lebanon, early on August 25.

Israel and its Iran-backed Lebanese foe Hezbollah insist they do not seek a full-scale conflict, but they continue to take steps toward war.

It took the U.S.-designated terrorist group Hezbollah nearly a month to deliver on its promised attack against Israel for the killing of its most senior commander, Fuad Shukr.

But Israel saw the attack coming, taking what the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) described as preemptive strikes against Hezbollah's rocket launchers on August 25, apparently reducing the scale of the Iran-backed group's offensive.

Raz Zimmt, a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, said that while neither side wants an all-out war, each party is "very determined to impose its own equation on the other."

They continue to take risks by attacking each other, but mistakes and miscalculations could spark the very conflict they want to avoid, Zimmt warned.

"This ongoing, so-called limited conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is very difficult to manage," he added.

The IDF says around 100 fighter jets took part in its preemptive operation, while Hezbollah claims it launched more than 300 rockets and drones against Israel. If the numbers are true, this marks the biggest exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah since the 2006 war, which ended in a stalemate.

Without Israel's preemptive strikes, the scale of Hezbollah's attack would have been devastating, Zimmt said. That would have prompted a "severe" Israeli response, he added.

Israel Intercepts Hezbollah Missiles, Bombs Southern Lebanon
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Despite the heavy exchange of fire, the attacks do not -- at least on the surface -- seem to have affected negotiations to establish a cease-fire in Gaza and secure the release of Israeli hostages from Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist group by the European Union and the United States.

Zimmt said while he is "not optimistic" about the prospects of a cease-fire, such a deal could help de-escalate tensions -- although, even that, he added, is only speculation.

Hezbollah Going Solo?

The Middle East has been on edge for weeks, expecting not just an attack on Israel from Hezbollah but also from Iran.

Iran vowed to retaliate against Israel after a bombing in uptown Tehran killed Hamas's political leader, Ismail Haniyeh. Israel has not commented on the attack.

Haniyeh was killed hours after Shukr, widely seen as the second-most powerful person in Hezbollah, was killed in an Israeli air strike in Beirut.

Many assessed that an Iranian attack on Israel would come in concert with strikes from Hezbollah.

But the Lebanese group, which is more an Iranian partner than a proxy, appears to have grown tired of waiting and struck out on its own.

"It is very important to note that Hezbollah didn't wait for the Iranians," Zimmt said, arguing that one reason why Hezbollah waited so long to launch its retaliatory strike was that it had hoped to attack Israel alongside Iran.

However, the Lebanese group likely concluded that a direct Iranian strike was not coming, at least for now.

"This might have some impact -- perhaps not immediately -- on Hezbollah's relationship with Iran," Zimmt said.

How Have Hezbollah's Devices Put It At Risk?

How Have Hezbollah's Devices Put It At Risk?
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More than 20 people were killed and more than 2,800 wounded when pagers, walkie-talkies, and other devices exploded in Lebanon over a two-day period, in an apparent targeted attack on the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militant group. How has Hezbollah's avoidance of digital technology failed to protect them?

What We've Learned About The Hungarian, Bulgarian, And Norwegian Links To Hezbollah's Pagers

Norta Global Ltd., a Bulgarian company registered in Sofia in April 2022, has now emerged as one of the possible players in the supply chain of the deadly pagers. Norwegian Rinson Jose is listed as its sole owner.
Norta Global Ltd., a Bulgarian company registered in Sofia in April 2022, has now emerged as one of the possible players in the supply chain of the deadly pagers. Norwegian Rinson Jose is listed as its sole owner.

A Bulgarian company with Norwegian links has surfaced in the supply chain of the pagers that detonated in Lebanon this week, killing 37 people and injuring several thousand others.

The pagers, which were being used by members of Hezbollah, Iran's most powerful proxy in the Middle East and designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, exploded simultaneously across Lebanon on September 17.

The devices looked like those made by Taiwanese-based Gold Apollo, but the company said on September 18 that the pagers were actually produced by a Hungarian company called BAC Consulting.

Now, new findings point to additional connections in Bulgaria and Norway.

Here’s what RFE/RL has learned so far about the companies and their shadowy owners.

A photo taken on September 18 in Beirut's southern suburbs shows the remains of a pager that exploded.
A photo taken on September 18 in Beirut's southern suburbs shows the remains of a pager that exploded.

The Bulgarian Connection

Norta Global Ltd., a Bulgarian company registered in Sofia in April 2022, has now emerged as one of the possible players in the supply chain of the deadly pagers. According to sources, the Hungarian company was only involved on paper and the actual logistics were handled by Norta Global.

Bulgarian records reveal that the company has no employees, minimal profits, and is operating from an address linked to Agentsya Za Novy Firmy, a Bulgarian shell company agency.

When RFE/RL reporters visited the address on September 18, Atanas Atanassov, one of the owners of Empresi, the company representing Norta Global, refused to answer any questions.

Atanas Atanassov, one of the owners of Empresi, the company representing Norta Global, refused to answer any questions.
Atanas Atanassov, one of the owners of Empresi, the company representing Norta Global, refused to answer any questions.

Similarly, the co-owner, Eli Atanasova, ended the call abruptly when questioned about Norta Global. Their lawyer later confirmed Norta Global as a client but gave no details about its sole owner: Rinson Jose.

Rinson Jose, a Norwegian citizen born in 1985, does not have a significant online presence. His LinkedIn profile shows a background in business administration, with education in India and Oslo. His professional experience includes various business roles in Oslo, and he is registered on an entrepreneurial platform seeking partners and funding.

Jose is also connected to another company called NortaLink; while the Norta Global website is currently nonexistent, its archived version has a link to NortaLink’s Facebook page.

RFE/RL tried to contact Jose through LinkedIn and a phone number connected to Norta Global, but received no responses.

While the Bulgarian State Agency for National Security said already on September 19 that, contrary to the reports about Norta Global, custom records showed no trace of pagers leaving Bulgarian territory, it came out with another statement early on September 20 denying the company's role in the Lebanese explosions.

"Together with the National Revenue Agency, the Interior Ministry, and the Customs Agency, it was established beyond doubt that no communication devices were imported, exported, or manufactured in Bulgaria," the agency said.

Additionally, the agency claimed that Norta Global also "did not carry out financial operations that would fall within the scope of the Law on Measures Against the Financing of Terrorism and it does not have any commercial relations with individuals or legal entities under sanctions by the UN Security Council or the Council of the European Union."

RFE/RL's own investigation into international trade databases found no import or export records for Norta Global or from Bulgaria to Taiwan.

The Hungarian Connection

While information about Rinson Jose is sparse, the public profile of the Hungarian woman behind BAC Consulting -- the company named as the producer of the pagers by the Taiwanese company Golden Apollo -- is much more substantial.

Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono
Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono

Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono, 49, confirmed her involvement with the pagers to NBC on September 18, but said she was only an intermediary.

Following the news, the website of BAC Consulting was deleted on September 18, but the archived versions claimed to offer consulting in environmental, developmental, and international affairs.

The site listed Barsony-Arcidiacono as CEO and founder, identifying her as a strategic adviser in innovation and internal affairs. Her diverse background spans physics, sustainability, business development, digitalization, and even arts and crafts. She has cited organizations like UNESCO, the European Commission, and the International Atomic Energy Agency as among her previous employers.

Among her academic achievements, she boasts of a PhD and several master’s degrees from prestigious U.K. institutions. While RFE/RL confirmed her PhD from University College London, other universities have not yet responded.

The Hungarian news outlet HVG verified her 2008 internship at the International Atomic Energy Agency; additionally, they quoted her former colleague and academic co-author Akos Kover as saying that “Cristiana struggled to find a job after her PhD” and lived with her grandmother, a situation that continued for years.

He also said she did not pursue any scientific work after completing her doctorate and that his own recent attempts to contact her via e-mail were unsuccessful.

Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono's Instagram page
Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono's Instagram page

Although Barsony-Arcidiacono's social media presence remains visible, including an Instagram page showcasing her drawings, her digital footprint is beginning to fade. Until recently, she was listed as the chief sustainability officer for Eden Global Impact Group, but the entire “Who We Are” section, including her profile, has now been removed from the page.

Additionally, her LinkedIn profile claims she is on the board of the Earth Child Institute, but the group told the BBC that she has never been part of their board.

RFE/RL has attempted to reach Barsony-Arcidiacono via phone, e-mail, and in person but has not yet been successful.

Israel's Suspected Attack On Electronic Devices In Lebanon Marks New Phase In Hezbollah Hostilities

People gather outside a hospital in Beirut after thousands of people were wounded across Lebanon when their handheld pagers exploded on September 17.
People gather outside a hospital in Beirut after thousands of people were wounded across Lebanon when their handheld pagers exploded on September 17.

A suspected Israeli attack targeting electronic devices used by members of the Iranian-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah appears to mark a new phase in the escalating hostilities between the longtime foes.

Israel and Hezbollah have been engaged in deadly tit-for-tat cross-border attacks since the devastating war in the Gaza Strip erupted in October 2023.

Experts say the coordinated September 17 attack in Lebanon that targeted pagers and killed at least 12 people and wounded thousands of others, many of them believed to be Hezbollah fighters, was a significant escalation that could make a full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah inevitable.

Hezbollah’s leadership and rank-and-file turned to hand-held pagers to skirt Israeli surveillance on mobile-phone networks in Lebanon.

A new deadly wave of explosions hit Hezbollah strongholds in southern Lebanon on September 18. Walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah fighters were targeted.

Hamidreza Azizi, a fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, said there had been a "pattern of incremental escalation" between Israel and Hezbollah in recent months.

Hezbollah has been striking deeper into northern Israel and displacing tens of thousands of Israeli citizens. Meanwhile, Israel has expanded its assassination campaign against Hezbollah inside Lebanon.

"At some point, this will get out of hand and explode into an all-out war," Azizi said.

The explosions in Lebanon came after Israel on September 16 said it was expanding the focus of its almost yearlong campaign against EU- and U.S.-designated Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in Gaza to confront Hezbollah on its northern border with Lebanon. Israel also added the safe return of its citizens to the north as a new goal in the war.

Smoke rises above Lebanon following an Israeli strike, amid the ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as seen from Israel's border with Lebanon.
Smoke rises above Lebanon following an Israeli strike, amid the ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as seen from Israel's border with Lebanon.

Ali Sardarzadeh, a Middle East analyst based in Germany, said the Lebanon attack was intended to send a "clear message to Hezbollah to stop the power display they are engaging in."

Israel is "pressuring Hezbollah both through warfare and diplomacy," Sardarzadeh told RFE/RL's Radio Farda.

Ali Mohtadi, a Britain-based regional expert, said the "explosion of pagers could mark a new phase of a [Israel-Hezbollah] war that has been ongoing for nearly a year."

Mohdati told Radio Farda that a full-scale war was against the interests of both Israel and Hezbollah but added that hostilities had "reached a stage where it could spiral out of control at any moment."

How Have Hezbollah's Devices Put It At Risk?
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Hezbollah has blamed Israel for the explosions and vowed to retaliate. The Israeli military has not commented.

Lina Khatib, director of the Middle East Institute at the London-based School of Oriental and African Studies, said the explosions were an embarrassment and major security breach for Hezbollah. But she said a full-blown conflict was not inevitable.

"With Hezbollah rendered vulnerable, Israel is continuing its military campaign in southern Lebanon," Khatib said. "But it will not necessarily escalate its military engagement into full-scale war as the pagers attack itself is a deterrent for Hezbollah."

People walk past a banner featuring a picture of the late Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was killed in an attack in Tehran.
People walk past a banner featuring a picture of the late Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was killed in an attack in Tehran.

A direct conflict between Israel and Hezbollah could trigger a wider regional war that would draw in Iran, Hezbollah's key backer and Israel's archenemy.

Iran's proxies, including Hezbollah, have launched attacks against Israel in support of Palestinians since the Gaza war erupted.

Iran and Israel have come to the brink of war on several occasions, including after the killing of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, in Tehran in July. Tehran blamed Israel and pledged to retaliate, although there has been no direct military response by Iran.

Among those wounded in the September 17 attack in Lebanon was Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani. Iranian media reported that he suffered injuries "to the hand and the face."

Experts said that it was unlikely that the attack in Lebanon would trigger direct Iranian retaliation against Israel.

"I think Iran will consider this primarily a Hezbollah issue despite the injuries suffered by the Iranian ambassador," said Raz Zimmt, senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.

"We will probably see discussions and consultations between Iran and Hezbollah concerning a possible retaliation, but my sense is that Iran prefers the response to come from Hezbollah."

Iran Flies Ambassador, 95 Patients Out Of Lebanon After Explosions

Iranian Ambassador Mojtaba Amani is transferred to a hospital on September 17.
Iranian Ambassador Mojtaba Amani is transferred to a hospital on September 17.

Iran has evacuated its ambassador from Lebanon and 95 other patients following injuries sustained in pager explosions, officials said. Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi visited the injured diplomat, Mojtaba Amani, at a hospital in Tehran on September 19. State media initially reported that Amani suffered a "slight injury" after hundreds of pagers exploded on September 17. The Lebanese Hezbollah militia, a U.S.-designated terrorist group that was the target of the explosions, is Iran's most important nonstate ally. A second wave of communication devices -- this time walkie-talkies -- blew up on September 18. Israel has not publicly admitted responsibility, but the country is widely assumed to be behind the coordinated blasts.

U.S. Says Iranian Hackers Failed To Interest Biden Campaign With Info Stolen From Trump

Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (file photo)
Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (file photo)

The FBI and other federal U.S. agencies say Iranian hackers sent unsolicited e-mails to individuals then associated with President Joe Biden's reelection campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, nonpublic material from former President Donald Trump's campaign as text in the e-mails.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the FBI, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said in a joint statement on September 18 that Iran has made efforts to sow discord and shape the outcome of U.S. elections scheduled for November 5.

"Iranian malicious cyber-actors have continued their efforts since June to send stolen, nonpublic material associated with former President Trump’s campaign to U.S. media organizations," the joint statement said, noting there is currently no information indicating any of the recipients replied.

"This malicious cyber-activity is the latest example of Iran's multipronged approach, as noted in the joint August statement, to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process," it added.

The U.S. intelligence community has been warning it expects Russia, China, and Iran to attempt to influence U.S. politics and policies to "benefit their interests and undermine U.S. democracy and Washington's standing in the world."

Trump is the Republican Party candidate, while current Vice President Kamala Harris is the candidate for the Democratic Party.

Biden was the party's candidate until July 21, when he announced his withdrawal from the campaign and endorsed Harris as his replacement.

Hackers have also tried to target Harris's e-mail accounts as well through phishing attacks carried out by a group with suspected ties to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the elite branch of the armed forces.

Experts say an Iranian network dubbed "Storm-2035" operates multiple inauthentic news sites on the web and social media that use AI-generated content to agitate conservative and liberal dissidence.

"Foreign actors are increasing their election influence activities as we approach November," the ODNI joint statement said.

"In particular, Russia, Iran, and China are trying by some measure to exacerbate divisions in U.S. society for their own benefit, and see election periods as moments of vulnerability. Efforts by these, or other foreign actors, to undermine our democratic institutions are a direct threat to the U.S. and will not be tolerated."

In addition to the presidency, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate are being contested in the election.

U.S. Imposes Fresh Sanctions On 12 Individuals Over Violent Repression In Iran

A poster held during a march in Paris on September 15, one day before the second anniversary of the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, which sparked a protest movement in Iran.
A poster held during a march in Paris on September 15, one day before the second anniversary of the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, which sparked a protest movement in Iran.

The United States on September 18 issued a new round of sanctions on 12 individuals who it said were tied to Iran’s "ongoing, violent repression” inside and outside the country.

Both the Treasury Department and the State Department noted that the sanctions come two years after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody and a crackdown on the protests that followed.

Amini had been detained by Iran's "morality police" for allegedly improperly wearing her hijab, or head scarf. Within hours of her detention, she was hospitalized in a coma and died a few days later.

Since Amini’s “senseless killing in the custody of Iran’s so-called Morality Police, the Iranian regime has continued to systematically violate the human rights of the Iranian people,” said State Department spokesman Matthew Miller in a statement.

The protest that followed her death against the regime’s mandatory hijab laws sparked the Women, Life, Freedom movement, which the government responded to “with brutal suppression, including murder, torture, sexual violence, and other acts of repression,” Miller said.

Bradley T. Smith, acting undersecretary of the Treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence, said in a statement that despite the Iranian people’s peaceful calls for reform, Iran’s leaders have “doubled down on the regime’s well-worn tactics of violence and coercion.”

The sanctions target members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Iranian prison officials, "and those responsible for lethal operations overseas," the statement said.

Iran's security forces, including the IRGC and its Basij paramilitary force, led the crackdown on protests in cities all over Iran, the department said. It added that IRGC units used lethal force against protesters, arrested people for political expression, and attempted to intimidate the Iranian people through violence.

Among the 12 targeted by the new sanctions are Hamid Khorramdel, who serves as the commander of the IRGC’s Fatah Corps of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, which the Treasury Department said suppressed demontrations in 2019 and 2022 by arresting and detaining protesters.

Also named is Mustafa Bazvand, commander of the IRGC and Basij Resistance Force in Mazandaran Province’s Babolsar county. Forces under Bazvand’s command led the regime’s crackdown in Babolsar in October 2022, killing at least one individual and arresting several journalists covering the violence, the department said.

The Treasury Department designated the IRGC, Basij, and Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) for sanctions in June 2011 in connection with human rights abuses and violent actions in the wake of Iran's disputed 2009 presidential election.

The sanctions freeze any assets the individuals hold in U.S. jurisdiction and bar U.S. persons from dealing with them.

Iranian-American Freed In Prisoner Exchange Accuses Iran Of 'Selling' Its Own People

Siamak Namazi (right) is embraced by a relative upon returning to the United States last year after being imprisoned in Iran for eight years.
Siamak Namazi (right) is embraced by a relative upon returning to the United States last year after being imprisoned in Iran for eight years.

Siamak Namazi, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was arbitrarily arrested while visiting his native country of Iran for a memorial service in 2015.

Subsequently sentenced to 10 years in prison for "collaborating with a foreign government," unclear charges he denied, Namazi ended up being the longest-held Iranian-American prisoner until his release along with four other Americans last year in a controversial prisoner exchange.

In a rare interview with RFE/RL's Radio Farda ahead of the anniversary of his September 18, 2023, release, Namazi described the ill-treatment and interrogations he endured at Tehran's Evin prison during his eight years of incarceration and his mixed feelings upon being freed after being held "hostage" by Iran.

"I was in disbelief. I was both very happy to be released and deeply troubled that I was being traded like a slave," Namazi said. "I consider myself a child of Iran and an adopted child of the United States. I love both countries and tried to be a good citizen to both.”

Incredible Yet Sad

Namazi said that while the feeling of being freed "was incredible," he was also stepping into a world that "no longer felt familiar."

"There was also a deep sadness that it ended this way," he said of a process in which he felt he was denied justice by a system trying to profit from his imprisonment.

"I served eight out of a 10-year sentence before being exchanged. I lost Iran in the process. Eight years of prison, filled with harsh treatments," Namazi recalled, describing his incarceration in one of the most notoriously harsh wards of Evin prison.

"It wasn't normal. I spent 27 months in ward '2A,' where those who were detained and interrogated [know what it's like]. I was interrogated for more than two years."

He initially struggled to convince his guards and some of his fellow inmates that he was a "real" Iranian and that his treatment was unjust.

About six weeks prior to being flown out of Iran, Namazi was released from Evin prison and taken to a highly secured hotel in central Tehran.

Under constant watch by members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Namazi and the four other U.S. citizens who would be part of a prisoner swap awaited their fate under what he described as ridiculous circumstances.

"Some of their actions, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry," he said of his IRGC guards.

The guards would not tell the prisoners where they were, and made it clear that "if anyone found out where we were, they'd move us," Namazi said.

Iran's judiciary had ordered that the prisoners be fitted with ankle monitors and allowed to move within a 1-kilometer radius, but the IRGC was wary that hackers would be able to determine their location.

And while the IRGC wanted no attention paid to the prisoners, when they were eventually allowed to move around, they were followed closely by IRGC members whose distinctive presence drew public attention, Namazi says.

Controversial Exchange

Namazi and the four other Americans -- Morad Tahbaz, an environmental activist detained in 2018; Emad Shargi, arrested while visiting Iran in 2018, and two others not publicly named -- were ultimately freed in exchange for the release of around $6 billion in frozen Iranian assets.

The funds were transferred to Qatar where they were to be closely supervised and released only on condition that they be used for humanitarian purposes.

After Hamas -- a U.S.- and EU-designated terrorist group with ties to Iran -- carried out a deadly assault on Israel on October 7, the deal came under heavy criticism that it was aiding Iran's regional ambitions. Shortly afterward, the United States and Qatar agreed to deny Iran access to the $6 billion.

Under the deal that led to the release of the five Americans, clemency was also granted to five Iranians or Iranian-Americans who had been charged or convicted in the United States of violating sanctions against Iran. Some with U.S. citizenship were allowed the possibility of remaining in the United States.

"From the perspective of the Islamic republic, we were like $6 billion walking on two legs," Namazi said. "That's why there was such bizarre protection over us. It's kind of funny; there's always some comedy and absurdity in their system. On one hand, they play these spy games, and on the other, we had to eat in the hotel lobby. Where else could we go?"

After being denied the right to leave the hotel for weeks, Nazami was eventually allowed two nights a week to visit Saei Park, which abuts Tehran's Valiasr Street, the scene of unprecedented antiestablishment protests that had erupted in Iran over the death of Mahsa Amini in September 2022.

Siamak Namazi wears a "For Sale!" T-shirt while in Evin prison.
Siamak Namazi wears a "For Sale!" T-shirt while in Evin prison.

On the anniversary of Amini's September 16 death in police custody for allegedly improperly wearing her hijab, Namazi saw ordinary Iranians singing protest songs and got to see the reactions of his IRGC guards.

"We had a guard who was twice my size, a true giant," Namazi recalled. "He said: 'Siamak, can people in your country protest and not get told off?'"

Namazi was incredulous at the idea that he was not considered to be an Iranian by his captors.

"I said, let's start from here; what do you mean by 'your country'? You weren't even born when I grew up in this park," Namazi said he told the guard. "I truly grew up in Saei Park. I have childhood memories of every inch of this park since before you even existed. I was born in Apadana Hospital. What do you mean?"

Namazi said he demanded that the guard declare that "this place belongs to Siamak" or he would begin shouting. "You need to understand that you are selling out a child of Iran," he told the guard, who declared his innocence.

"You're responsible for protection, for transport. You have a role in this ugly historical act," Namazi responded.

While on a trip to Iran to see his imprisoned son in 2016, Siamak's father, Baquer, was also arbitrarily detained, sentenced, and imprisoned for allegedly cooperating with U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on Iran. Baquer, at the age of 85, was released in October 2022 for medical treatment as the antiestablishment protests were spreading across Iran.

'Us And Them'

The younger Namazi, who just turned 53, says that he had been accustomed to being seen as an outsider while living in Africa in his youth with his father, a former provincial governor in Iran prior to the 1979 Islamic Revolution and a representative for UNICEF who worked in Kenya, Somalia, and Egypt.

"This philosophy of 'us and them' gets so thick that it enables you to bring calamity upon another human being," Namazi said. "To do these things to another human, you have to strip them of their humanity. They don’t see him as a human. And in the Islamic republic, what happens is that we have these circles of 'us and them.' The interrogators certainly saw us as 'them.'"

It did not matter if "you were Iranian or not," Namazi said, adding that his interrogator "knew that at least 99 percent of what he was saying was completely fabricated."

Since his release, Namazi has strongly advocated for the release of other prisoners, including the Swedish-Iranian physician Ahmadreza Djalali, held by the Iranian authorities. His year out of prison has left Namazi with a message for Tehran, which he said had made the "selling" of its own people, like himself, "routine."

"Don't trade them. Don't barter them," Namazi said of Iranians with foreign citizenship who remain imprisoned under false pretexts in Iran.

"Release them using the laws of the Islamic republic, then we can sit down and talk, and in my opinion, this is a very reasonable starting point."

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