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International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan (file photo)
International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan (file photo)

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has denounced a European Union proposal to create a UN-backed special tribunal to prosecute crimes in Ukraine, saying his court was capable of effectively dealing with war crimes committed there. On December 5, Karim Khan pushed back against the plan that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced last week to establish a special court to prosecute Russia’s invasion. The Hague-based ICC has launched an investigation into war crimes in Ukraine but cannot prosecute the crime of aggression because Russia is not a signatory to the treaty that created the court. To read the original story by AP, click here.

Iranian Women Who Fled To Armenia Fear Returning Could End In Death
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Two Iranian women who fled to Armenia with their families have told RFE/RL they fear for their lives should they be forced to return home. The faces and voices of the two women have been disguised to protect them.

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