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Fact Box: A Timeline Of Animal Cloning

Stem-cell research lab in the Czech Republic (file photo) February 1997 -- Scotland's Roslin Institute announces it has cloned a sheep from cells taken from an adult ewe. The sheep, Dolly, was the first animal ever cloned using such a process. Previous cloning had involved creating an animal from undeveloped fetal cells in a surrogate mother.

August 1997 -- The U.S.-based cattle-breeding company ABS announces it has cloned a calf from stem cells removed from a cow fetus.

July 1998 -- The University of Hawaii announces the successful cloning of dozens of mice.

August 2000 -- U.S.-based biotech firm BioTransplant Inc. and Massachusetts General Hospital announce the cloning of a line of miniature pigs, to be used to grow organs for human transplants.

February 2002 -- Researchers at Texas A&M University announce they successfully cloned a domestic cat in late 2001. The cat, whose birth was later confirmed, was named "cc:".

March 2002 -- French scientists announce the first clones of rabbits from adult cells.

May 2003 -- Scientists in Idaho announce they have cloned a mule, a sterile hybrid normally produced by breeding a donkey and a horse. There have been several other projects in the area of equine cloning.

February 2004 -- South Korean researchers clone human embryos and extract their stem cells.

August 2005 -- South Korean scientists say they've cloned the first dog, an Afghan hound named Snuppy.

(compiled by RFE/RL)

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