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Hizballah-Led Opposition Musters Major Beirut Protest

December 10, 2006 -- Hundreds of thousands of protesters swarmed downtown Beirut today as part of a fresh push to force Lebanon's Western-backed government to resign.

The event comes on the 10th day of a sit-in by protesters -- led by Hizballah-led opponents of the current administration -- on the doorsteps of government offices in Beirut.

Prime Minister Fuad Siniora said he is open to dialogue between his government and the opposition, and acknowledged that the political crisis threatens Lebanon's security, economy, and political system.


Iran, Syria, And Hizballah

Iran, Syria, And Hizballah

Iranians demonstrating in support of Hizballah in Tehran on July 17 (epa)

'FOR THE SAKE OF LEBANON': The Islamic Republic of Iran has served as an ideological inspiration for Hizballah since the Lebanese militant group's creation in 1982, and Tehran acknowledges that it supports the organization morally and politically. "Yes, we are friends of Syria and Iran" Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah has said. "For 24 years we benefited from our friendship with Syria and Iran for the sake of Lebanon...." (more)


Hizballah -- Past And Present

Tehran Playing Key Role In Israel-Lebanon Crisis

Iran, Hizballah Brush Off U.S. Terrorism Label

Intifada Conference In Tehran Has Multiple Objectives

UN Resolution Rankles Syria, Hizballah, Iran


RFE/RL coverage of Iran. RFE/RL web special on Iran's nuclear program.


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