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Iran’s Presidential Hopefuls: Preselected, Male, And Hard-Line (Mostly)

Iran is holding a presidential election on June 28 following the death of ultraconservative President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last month. Elections in the Islamic republic are tightly controlled with candidates being preselected by an unelected body dominated by hard-liners. The candidates cleared to run are all men, most are hard-liners, and some have ties to the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the elite branch of Iran’s armed forces.

Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf

Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf

The Serial Candidate

62 years old

  • Conservative
  • Parliament speaker
  • Former Tehran mayor
  • Iran’s ex-police chief
  • Former IRGC Air Force commander

Saeed Jalili

Saeed Jalili

The Shadow President

58 years old

  • Hard-liner
  • Supreme leader’s representative on the Supreme National Security Council
  • Former top nuclear negotiator
  • Ex-IRGC member who lost his leg in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War

Mostafa Purmohammadi

Mostafa Purmohammadi

The Token Cleric

64 years old

  • Conservative
  • Former interior and justice minister
  • Accused of playing key role in mass executions of political prisoners in 1988
  • Never held elected office but appointed to key positions

Masud Pezeshkian

Masud Pezeshkian

The Lone Reformist

69 years old

  • Reformist
  • Former health minister
  • Lawmaker from East Azerbaijan Province
  • Ex-deputy speaker of parliament
Credit: RFE/RL Graphics
Source: Media reports