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People light candles at a makeshift memorial at Brussels' Place de la Bourse.
People light candles at a makeshift memorial at Brussels' Place de la Bourse.

Live Blog: Brussels Attacks

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-- Belgian authorities have identified the bombers. Federal prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw has said that Ibrahim El Bakraoui blew himself up at the airport. His brother Khalid blew himself up in a subway car at Maalbeek station in central Brussels.

-- The two men shown pushing baggage carts with Ibrahim El Bakraoui in security-camera footage have yet to be identified.

-- Belgian media, which earlier reported the arrest of a prime suspect in the attacks, said the person detained was not, in fact, Najim Laachraoui.

-- Belgium is observing three days of mourning after bomb blasts in Brussels killed at least 34 people and wounded more than 200.

We are going to see a lot more of this:

Erdogan: Turkey deported one of the Brussels attackers:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says one of the Brussels attackers was caught in Turkey in June and deported to Belgium.

Erdogan said on March 23 that the Belgian authorities released the suspect despite Turkish warnings that he was "a foreign fighter."

Erdogan did not name the attacker. He said the man was detained at Turkey's border with Syria at Gaziantep and that Turkey formally notified Belgian authorities of his deportation on July 14.

Erdogan said "despite our warnings that this person was a foreign terrorist fighter, Belgium could not establish any links with terrorism." (Reuters, AP, AFP)

Belgians, including a Muslim cleric and a local artist, give their thoughts, a day after suspected Islamic extremists killed at least 31 people in suicide bombings in Brussels. They were speaking at a community gathering to honor the dead in the center of Brussels.

Belgium Residents Respond To Attacks
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