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Militant Groups In Afghanistan Looking To Topple Central Asian Governments

Militant Groups In Afghanistan Looking To Topple Central Asian Governments
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Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine is capturing much of the world’s attention, but Central Asia is more concerned about what's happening south of the border in Afghanistan. There are several militant groups in northern Afghanistan who hope to topple the Tajik and Uzbek governments. Some of these groups are allies of the Taliban, whereas others are not. Joining host Bruce Pannier to look at these militant groups and the security implications for Central Asia are Lucas Webber, a researcher focusing on transnational militant movements who has written extensively on jihadist and extremist groups and is also co-founder and editor of; and Riccardo Valle, director of research at the Islamabad-based research and news platform The Khorasan Diary and an expert on international jihadist networks, particularly those in Afghanistan and Pakistan.