Turkmen Leader Shuffles Cabinet, Again

9 March 2005 -- Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov has announced new appointments to the cabinet, a frequently occurring event on Turkmenistan's political scene.
Niyazov yesterday said that the chief of Turkmenistan's Main State Tax Service, Amandurdy Myratgulyev, has been appointed deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers responsible for economic issues. Myratgulyev retains his post as head tax official.

Asyrgeldi Gulgaraev was appointed minister of justice, and Jumanyaz Annaorazov was appointed minister of economy and finance.

Niyazov regularly sacks government officials, often on corruption charges or for failing to perform their duties.

On 7 March, Niyazov dismissed Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov from the post of deputy prime minister, saying he needs to develop a more "responsible attitude" in his duties.

(RFE/RL's Turkmen Service/Interfax/Turkmen television)