Another Pole Attacked In Moscow

The Polish Embassy in Moscow 11 August 2005 -- The Polish daily newspaper "Rzeczpospolita" said today that one of its journalists was beaten by unknown attackers in Moscow today.
The attack followed similar beatings of two Polish diplomats in the past week.

The paper said correspondent Pawel Reszka is suffering from head injuries after being beaten and kicked by about five people. It said Reszka was receiving treatment in a hospital and that he planned to file a complaint with police.

Yesterday, Poland called on Russia to ensure the safety of its diplomatic staff after two embassy employees were attacked in the street within four days of each other.

The attacks come after four Russian students, three of them children of diplomats, were attacked in Warsaw, an incident Russian President Vladimir Putin described as an "unfriendly act."


See also:

Polish Diplomat Beaten Up In Moscow

Eastern Europe: Russian-Polish Tensions Rise Over Attack On Russian Children In Warsaw