Ukrainian Court Halts Publication Of Election Results

Nataliya Vitrenko (file photo) (RFE/RL) April 12, 2006 -- Ukraine's Supreme Administrative Court has ordered the country's two official newspapers not to publish final results of the March 26 parliamentary elections.

The ruling follows a legal complaint filed by a small party that did not clear the 3 percent threshold required to enter parliament.

The People's Opposition bloc of Natalya Vitrenko claims violations were committed when election results were released.

President Viktor Yushchenko today welcomed the court's decision.

Final election results were made available by the Central Election Commission on April 10. However, Ukrainian law says they have no legal force until they are published in "Holos Ukrayiny" and "Uryadovyy kurer."

("Ukrayinska pravda," "Ukrayinski novyny," Unian)

The Key Players

The Key Players

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