Suspected Mladic Aide Caught In Belgrade

Coffins of some of the 8,000 victims of the Srebrenica massacre for which the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia believes Mladic was responsible (file photo) (epa) September 21, 2006 -- A suspected aide to war crimes fugitive Ratko Mladic was today arrested in Belgrade.

Marko Lugonja, a retired Bosnian Serb security officer, was detained moments before he was due to board a flight to the Russian capital.

Lugonja was indicted by a Belgrade court for helping Mladic evade justice.

The Bosnian Serb wartime commander was indicted by The Hague in 1995 for genocide during the Bosnian war.

(AP, Reuters)

The Fugitives

The Fugitives

Ratko Mladic (left) confers with Radovan Karadzic during a meeting in Pale in 1993 (epa)


Ten years have passed since former Bosnian Serb leader RADOVAN KARADZIC and his former military commander General RATKO MLADIC were indicted by the Hague-based war crimes tribunal for genocide and other war crimes. The two fugitives remain at large, despite the obligation of NATO-led peacekeepers and the various governments in the region to arrest the indictees and send them to The Hague. Many people wonder why the most powerful military alliance in history and a host of governments seeking Euro-Atlantic integration remain unable to catch the two... (more)


To listen to wartime audio of Ratko Mladic, click here.

See also:

Wife Of Ex-Bosnian Serb Leader Urges Him To Surrender

War Crimes Tribunal Judge Says Trials To Exceed 2008 Deadline

Net Tightens Around Key Serb War Crimes Suspect

Coffins of Srebrenica victims being prepared for burial in October (AFP)

SREBRENICA: The July 1995 massacre of some 7,000 Muslim men and boys by Bosnian Serb fighters near the UN-designated safe haven of Srebrenica is the worst atrocity of its kind in Europe since the end of World War II. Since the incident, the name Srebrenica has become practically synonomous with ethnic cleansing....(more)

See also:

Ten Years After Srebrenica

Coming To Grips With The UN's Failure At Srebrenica

Child Of Srebrenica Returns Home For Anniversary Of Massacre

The Film That Shook Belgrade