Bosnian Campaign Protests Dutch Award For Srebrenica Veterans

A Muslim woman sits in cemetary for some of the thousands killed at Srebrenica (file photo) (epa) December 7, 2006 -- A Sarajevo radio station, FFM, has set up a website allowing people to email cards to the Dutch government to protest the awarding of medals to Dutch peacekeepers who failed to prevent the slaughter of thousands of Muslims in Bosnia.

The Dutch government on December 4 gave awards to 850 members of the Dutch contingent in Bosnia, including 450 who in July 1995 belonged to a battalion that failed to prevent Bosnian Serb forces from killing up to 8,000 Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica.


Srebrenica Remembered

Srebrenica Remembered

Coffins of Srebrenica victims being prepared for burial in October (AFP)

THE WORST ATROCITY IN EUROPE SINCE WORLD WAR II: The July 1995 massacre of some 7,000 Muslim men and boys by Bosnian Serb fighters near the UN-designated safe haven of Srebrenica is the worst atrocity of its kind in Europe since the end of World War II. Since the incident, the name Srebrenica has become practically synonomous with ethnic cleansing....(more)

See also:

Ten Years After Srebrenica

Coming To Grips With The UN's Failure At Srebrenica

Child Of Srebrenica Returns Home For Anniversary Of Massacre

The Film That Shook Belgrade