Russia Worried About Disease Among Migrant Workers

Mikhail Zurabov (file photo) (official site) February 22, 2007 -- Russian Health and Social Development Minister Mikhail Zurabov says one in 10 migrant workers in Russia suffers from tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, or hepatitis.

Zurabov said Russia's system of health checks for migrant workers has all but stopped functioning.

Zurabov said his ministry will conduct tests on ordinary Russians, migrants, and prisoners to determine the extent of the problem.

Approximately 10 million illegal immigrants live in Russia.


RFE/RL Reports On AIDS

RFE/RL Reports On AIDS

An HIV-positive Ukrainian woman and her daughter (epa)

FACES OF THE EPIDEMIC: HIV-infection rates continue to soar in many parts of RFE/RL's broadcast region, from Ukraine and Russia to Central Asia. RFE/RL frequently reports on the problems associated with the pandemic and efforts to combat them.


China Steps Up Fight Against Spreading Epidemic

Iranian Brothers Change The Face Of HIV, Drug-Addiction Treatment

Drug-Treatment Effort Targets HIV/AIDS In Afghanistan

Tatarstan Clinic Is Bold Exception In Russia's HIV Battle

Fourteen Kazakh Children Infected With HIV In Hospitals

UNAIDS Head On Epidemic In CIS

Russia's 'Miss Positive' Puts Public Face On Battle With HIV/AIDS