Saddam Hussein: The Verdict
Judge Ra'uf Rashid Abd al-Rahman reading the verdicts against Saddam Hussein and the other defendants in Baghdad on November 5 (epa) - After a controversial trial that lasted more than a year, former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his fellow defendants were sentenced on November 5.
Saddam Hussein reacts to his death sentence (epa) - Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging for the mass killing of Shi'ite men and boys in Al-Dujayl in 1982.
Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti listens to the verdict against him (epa) - Hussein's half brother, Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, was deputy head of the secret police at the time of the Al-Dujayl massacres. He was sentenced to death by hanging.
Awad al-Bandar listens to the verdict against him (epa) - Awad al-Bandar, the former head of Hussein's revolutionary court, was sentenced to death by hanging.
Taha Yassin Ramadan addresses the court as his verdict is being read (epa) - Taha Yassin Ramadan was a vice president of Iraq under Hussein. He was sentenced to life in prison.
Abdallah Kazim al-Ruwayid reacts to his sentence in Baghdad on November 5 (epa) - Former local Ba'ath Party official Abdallah Kazim al-Ruwayid was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment.
Mizhar Abdallah al-Ruwayid addresses the court on July 11 (epa) - Former local Ba'ath Party official Mizhar Abdallah al-Ruwayid was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment.
Ali Dayah Ali listens as the verdict against him is read (epa) - Ali Dayah Ali, a former local Ba'ath Party official, was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment.
Muhammad Azzawi al-Ali sits in the Baghdad court after being acquited on November 5 (epa) - Muhammad Azzawi al-Ali, a former local Ba'ath Party official in Al-Dujayl, was acquitted of all charges for lack of evidence.