Portrait Of A President

The Protege - Dmitry Medvedev's career flourished under the watchful eye of his friend and mentor, Vladimir Putin. While portrayed as a representative of the younger perestroika-era generation, Medvedev's 17 years under Putin reveal old-guard status. As president, he is expected to rely on his administrative and legal skills to establish his own identity -- with Putin waiting in the wings as a likely prime minister.

Only Son - Medvedev was born on September 14, 1965, into a family of educators -- his father was a university professor and his mother a teacher. He lived for nearly 30 years in a small apartment in this building in Kupchino, outside St. Petersburg.

Devoted Student - Teachers at School No. 305 in Kupchino, where Medvedev studied in his youth, describe him as a dedicated student and avid reader who had little time for playground activities.

Legal Ease - From Kupchino, Medvedev moved on to the law faculty of what is now St. Petersburg State University. It was there that he blossomed, completing his doctorate in 1990 and moving on to teach Roman law. Early in his student years he would also become acquainted with Vladimir Putin, an alumnus.

The Chairman - At the age of 24, Medvedev was invited to join St. Petersburg's regional administration, run by Putin. Upon becoming prime minister in 1999, Putin called on Medvedev to become his chief of staff. The protege eventually rose to presidential chief of staff, and soon after was rewarded with the most coveted job in the country’s booming energy sector -- the chairmanship of the state-run gas giant Gazprom.

Youthful Visionary - Medvedev has been cast as youthful, jeans-wearing, and technologically savvy leader. His is a self-avowed Internet "addict" and fan of Deep Purple, which played live in Moscow for Gazprom's 15th birthday party. During a recent "Russia Forward!" rally in Kazan, Medvedev left the stuffy suit at home.

Casual Man - Despite his image as a softer, gentler Russian politician, Medvedev has shown he is not afraid to wield his influence. As head of Gazprom, he halted gas supplies to Ukraine in 2006 and recently threatened to do so again. While he has made few pronouncements on foreign policy, he is expected to follow the course set by Putin.

Loving Husband - As a 7-year-old pupil in Kupchino, Medvedev met Svetlana Linnik, whom he married in 1989 at the age of 24. After the birth of their son, Ilya, Medvedev displayed his affinity for traditional Russian family values by insisting that she stay at home to raise him.

The Devotee - Medvedev was christened into the Russian Orthodox Church at the age of 23, an event he describes as a life-changing experience. He receives significant support from the church and its head, Patriarch Aleksy II. In 2007, a government commission headed by Medvedev approved a program for the restitution of property and assets taken from the church after the Bolshevik Revolution.

Chosen Man - Addressing the nation ahead of the March 2 presidential election, Putin said: "Who will bring to the post of head of state real benefit for millions of people, for all the citizens of our great motherland? In these days everyone has the chance independently to answer these questions and, at the election for the president of Russia, make their conscious choice."