Celebrates The 'Innocence' Of Adolf Hitler is a relatively new website that has quickly drawn attention not only because of its name and content, which promotes Nazi ideas, but because its domain name suggests it is operating with the government’s blessing. Domain names ending with .ir are usually official Iranian sites.

The website had reportedly posted Nazi motifs including a swastika and pictures of Adolf Hitler in a Nazi uniform as its logo. Those pictures have been now replaced by battle pictures from World War II.

The website says it is a research society on War World II and the Third Reich and that it is registered under the laws of the Islamic republic. It says it doesn’t support any group or individuals, “not Hitler himself nor any groups from World War II." Yet some of the content on the website appears supportive of the Nazi leader.

The popular Tabnak website focused on last week and accused it of promoting and spreading Nazi ideas in Iran. Tabnak posted parts of the manifesto of, which it says contains statements such as “we are all soldiers of Nazism."

Tabnak reports that the website had been filtered once by the government. It was, however, later unblocked, which could mean its activities are approved by Iranian authorities.

An official from Iran’s Culture Ministry has told Tabnak, however, that the group is not officially recognized by the ministry. Mehdi Sarami is quoted as saying the website was registered by an individual and not by a society or an institute.

“Based on this, official recognition of this group is being rejected by the Culture Ministry," Sarami says.

All the information posted on the website is only accessible to registered users, which according to the website currently stands at almost 900 individuals.

The topics of the website’s discussion forums include “The Ideology and Principles and Thinking of Nazism"; “Debates Around the Thoughts and Speeches of Fuhrer Adolf Hitler"; “The Life of Great Third Reich Men”; and “Holocaust and Zionism."

Users of the Hitler forum have posted his family tree, copies of his letters and drawings, and also information about “his unique personality traits."

One user writes that “without any doubt Hitler’s vegetarianism was proof of his compassion and mercy."

The website says it has become the target of a "soft war" (the term is often used by Iranian officials) and that it rejects allegations made by news agencies against it in the last few days. The website adds in a statement available only to users that the "attack” by some websites demonstrates “the innocence of Adolf Hitler and the supporters of the truth."

"These attacks show that our path is right and we have to do more to show to the people the true face of world Zionism,” the statements says.

The website says it will move in the near future to a new domain and will be active there following some changes.