Images From Tsunami-Stricken Japan

Japan Self-Defense Force officers wearing masks arrive at a residential area in Otsuchi on March 15

Rescue workers carry the body of a tsunami victim in the town of Otsuchi on March 11

A survivor looks through names displayed in a collection center for evacuees in Otsuchi on March 15

A man covers his face as he walks through a former residential area of Otsuchi on March 14

A survivor keeps himself warm by a fire at an emergency shelter in Otsuchi on March 16

Tea is brewed in the traditional manner at a collection center for evacuees in Otsuchi on March 15

Heavy snow falls as members of the Japan Self-Defense Force arrive in Otsuchi on March 16

Photo albums and other personal belongings are retrieved from the ruins of a residential area

People in the city of Ishinomaki are given first aid at a Red Cross hospital on March 13 after being evacuated