Ex-President's Nephews Caught On Kyrgyz Border

The whereabouts of the boys' father, Janysh (Janybek) Bakiev, are unknown.

BISHKEK -- Former Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiev's nephew has been arrested and charged with using forged documents while trying to leave Kyrgyzstan, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

The Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security (UKMK) said on September 5 that Asylbek Saliev, 23, showed fake identification at the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border on September 2 and was charged with using forged documents and illegally crossing the border.

Saliev's younger brother, Nursultan Bakiev, who was detained on September 2 together with Saliev, was released to his relatives on September 3, UKMK officials said.

Human rights activist Bubuaisha Arstanbekova told RFE/RL that the authorities violated Saliev and Nursultan Bakiev's rights by arresting them at the border. She said Nursultan should not have been detained as he is only 12 and it is against the law to keep him in custody.

Arstanbekova told RFE/RL the brothers were going to Kazakhstan where Saliev attends university and Nursultan Bakiev a secondary school.

Bishkek-based political analyst Toktogul Kakchekeev told RFE/RL that the brothers were likely detained in an effort to obtain information about the boys' father, Janysh Bakiev.

Janysh Bakiev, his brother Kurmanbek Bakiev, and several close associates and relatives are being tried in absentia in Kyrgyzstan for corruption and their roles in the deadly clashes between antigovernment demonstrators and security troops in Bishkek in April last year.

A total of 28 people are being tried for the deaths of nearly 100 people during the popular uprising that swept Kurmanbek Bakiev from power in April 2010.

The defendants are accused of either having fired upon or giving the command to open fire on unarmed demonstrators in Bishkek during antigovernment protests outside the presidential office building.

Many of the defendants are jailed or under house arrest, except for Kurmanbek Bakiev, Janysh Bakiev, and several others -- most of them their close relatives.

Kurmanbek Bakiev is currently living in Belarus at the invitation of President Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Janysh Bakiev's whereabouts are unknown but many believe he is in Kazakhstan.

Read more in Kyrgyz here

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