Fire Breaks Out At Crimea Fuel Depot After Drone Attack

A fire at a fuel depot (illustrative photo)

A fire broke out early on October 7 at a fuel depot in Feodosia, in occupied Crimea, as a result of a Ukrainian drone attack, Russian Telegram channels reported. Residents reported several powerful explosions that rang out in Feodosia around 4:30 a.m., after which a fire started. Russia installed official confirmed that a fuel depot had caught fire, without mentioning a drone attack. Oleg Kryuchkov, an adviser to the Russian-installed chief of Crimea, wrote on Telegram that there were no casualties. Separately, Russia's Defense Ministry said on its Telegram channel that air-defense systems shot down 21 Ukrainian drones early on October 7 -- 12 over Crimea, 6 over the Kursk region, and the rest over the Belgorod, Bryansk, and Voronezh regions. To see the original story by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service, click here.