Crimean Tatar Leader's Son Arrested For Manslaughter

Khaiser Dzhemilev, son of Mustafa Dzhemilev

KYIV -- The website of the Crimean Tatars' regional assembly, the Mejlis, says the son of assembly leader Mustafa Dzhemilev has "accidentally" shot and killed a man.

The Mejlis reports that Khaiser Dzhemilev was arrested after the May 27 incident.

The elder Dzhemilev, who is also a member of the Ukrainian parliament, told RFE/RL that his family is cooperating fully with investigators.

He denied Russian online media reports that his son was under the influence of drugs at the time of the shooting.

No further details were immediately available.

The elder Dzhemilev, 69, is a well-known Soviet-era human rights activist who served six jail senteces in Soviet prison camps from 1966 to 1986.

He is also known for going on a 303-day hunger strike -- the longest in the Soviet human rights movement's history.