Suspected Militants Killed In Daghestan Raid

Officials say two alleged militant have been killed in a special operation by security forces in Russia's restive North Caucasus republic of Daghestan.

Local officials say security forces are looking for more militants in the village of Chontaul in the dictrict of Kizilyurt.

Security forces earlier in the day surrounded a group of gunmen holed up in a house in the village.

Officials said the alleged militants refused to surrender and opened fire at security forces.

Two alleged militants were killed in an exchange of fire, one of whom officials said was wanted by police for his alleged involvement in a series of attacks against law enforcement officers.

Daghestan has become one of the most volatile republics in the majority-Muslim region in recent years. Islamic insurgents regularly attack officials, police and military personnel.

Based on reporting by Interfax and RIA-Novosti