Moldova Recalls Ambassador From Moscow

Recalled Moldovan Ambassador to Russia Andrei Neguta (file photo)

Moldova has recalled its ambassador to Russia after the diplomat made remarks in support of keeping Russian troops in the separatist region of Transdniester.

On April 9, Andrei Neguta told the Russian news agency ITAR-TASS that the withdrawal of 1,500 Russian troops from Transdniester would endanger both Moldova and the region.

Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca on April 25 called Neguta's remarks "hapless."

Prime Minister Vlad Filat said he would appoint a new ambassador who is able "to represent Moldova's interests with dignity."

Russia has posted about 1,000 troops in Transdniester to guard Soviet-era weapons. Another 500 Russian troops also are stationed at crossing points into the separatist region.

Neguta was appointed as ambassador to Moscow in 2009 by the previous government of Communist leader Vladimir Voronin.

Based on reporting by AP and