The Rundown - October 8

News & views on RFE's broadcast region

# Afghan guards at U.S. bases in Afghanistan have terrorist ties
# "Should Afghanistan Exist?" - Christopher de Bellaigue, "NY Review Of Books"
# "Karzai's Taliban Ploy" - Les Gelb, "The Daily Beast"
# "Think Again: The Afghan Surge" - Gilles Dorronsoro, ''Foreign Policy"

# The Abdullah Shah Ghazi shrine in Karachi was attacked by suicide bombers
# "Understanding NATO's Incursions" - Khalid Munir, "Express Tribune"
# "Cut Off Aid To Pakistan" - Steve Metz, "The New Republic"
# "The Black Hole Of Pakistan" - Ishnu Das, "Foreign Policy"

# Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may travel to the Israeli border in a visit to Lebanon
# "U.S. Hikers And Iran's Maze" - Haleh Esfandiari, "LA Times"
# "Why Iran Won't Bow To Foreign Pressure" - Hooman Majd, "The Washington Post"
# "Caught Between Bombing Iran And An Iranian Bomb" - Philip Stevens, "Financial Times"
# European oil companies still have dealings with Iran

# "CNN" interviews Yuri Luzhkov
# "Thieves Should Go To Jail!" - Michael Bohm, "Moscow Times"
# Russia will refund Iran for its deposit towards S-300 missile systems

Of Interest
# "The Wall Street Journal" reports on Iraq's political wrangling
# "Washington's Bosnia Fiasco" - Ted Galen Carpenter, "National Interest"
# "How China Plays The Great Game" - Madhav Nalapat, "The Diplomat"

U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# A new report is critical of the White House's handling of the BP oil spill
# Al Kamen's "In The Loop"