CIA Says White House To Decide Whether To Release Bin Laden Photo

CIA Director Leon Panetta

CIA Director Leon Panetta

CIA Director Leon Panetta has said a picture of Osama bin Laden's body could be released in the near future.

Panetta said, however, that it is up to the White House to make the final decision. He said he does not know when the photo might be made public.

The White House has released more details about the killing of the world's most-wanted man.

White House spoeksman Jay Carney said bin Laden was unarmed, but he resisted capture and was shot dead.

"Bin Laden and his family were found on the second and third floor of the building," Carney said. "There was concern that bin Laden would oppose the capture operation and, indeed, he did resist. In the room with bin Laden, a woman -- bin Laden's wife -- rushed the U.S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed. Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed."

The United States, meanwhile, is vowing to "get to the bottom" of whether Pakistan helped bin Laden elude a long manhunt before he was killed in the U.S. raid.

White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan made his remark despite Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari earlier denying Islamabad gave shelter to the Al-Qaeda leader.

compiled from agency reports