Poland Forces Man Back To Belarus After Deportation Notice

Dzmitry Smaktunovich

A Belarusian man was forced to cross the Poland-Belarus border back into his homeland on June 12, a day after he resisted leaving Poland after receiving a deportation notice. Dzmitry Smaktunovich's wife, who with their three children remains in Poland, told RFE/RL that her husband was deported after his Lithuanian residence permit was canceled. Self-exiled opposition politician Paval Latushka cited the Polish border guard service as saying that among other reasons, Smaktunovich was deported over his alleged involvement in an illegal immigration ring. Polish officials refused to provide RFE/RL with information related to Smaktunovich’s case, saying that such data can be given only to Belarusian officials. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Belarus Service, click here.