Fugitive Ex-Kremlin Banker Loses Appeal To Hide Income

A London appeals court has ruled that a Russian tycoon must reveal more information about the accounts from which he receives income.

In June, London's High Court issued a worldwide asset freeze for some $2 billion in the assets of Sergei Pugachyov -- once dubbed "the cashier to the Kremlin" -- following a request from Russia's Deposit Insurance Agency.

The agency accused him of having a role in the siphoning off of $1 billion in funds from Mezhprombank, which filed for bankruptcy in 2010.

Pugachyov had run and co-owned Mezhprombank until 2002.

He was an influential Russian politician and served as a member of the Russian parliament's upper chamber from 2001 until he left for self-imposed exile in London in 2011 amid investigations that were launched against him.

A Moscow court has issued an arrest warrant for Pugachyov on embezzlement charges.

Based on reporting by Reuters and rapsinews.ru