Clinton Accuses Russian Intelligence Services Of DNC Computer Hacking

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gestures as she speaks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, on July 25.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says Russian intelligence services hacked into Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers and has accused Republican contender Donald Trump of backing Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"We know that Russian intelligence services hacked into the DNC and we know that they arranged for a lot of those e-mails to be released and we know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin," Clinton said in an interview on July 31 with Fox News Sunday.

The United States has not publicly accused Russia of being behind the hack of Democratic Party computers.

Cybersecurity experts and U.S. officials, however, said they believed Russia engineered the release of the e-mails to influence the November 8 U.S. presidential election.

Clinton declined to say whether the Kremlin wanted Trump to win the election, but said that "laying out the facts raises serious issues about Russian interference in our elections, in our democracy."

Based on reporting by Reuters and AP