Turkmen President Wins Car Race

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov can drive a race car also

On a day when Turkmenistan was marking Health Day, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov on April 7 visited the car race track for the country's first auto race and was "allowed" to participate in the event.

Upon being introduced to the crowd, Berdymukhammedov asked the master-of-ceremonies "Can I take part (In the race)?"

Receiving a positive reply, Berdymukhammedov changed into a racing-driver's suit, got behind the wheel of a Turkish-made Volkicar and lined up with the other drivers.

Berdymukhammedov won, recording the best time in the time-trials.

Following his victory organizers of event decided to send the Volkicar the Turkmen president drove to the national sports museum.

Berdymukhammedov arrived at the race track driving a Bugatti Veyron, one of the fastest street-legal cars with speeds up to 400 kilometers per hour and with a cost of around $2 million.
WIth reporting from ITAR-TASS and turkmenistan.ru