Hasidic Jews Prepare To Celebrate New Year In Ukraine

Thousands of Hasidic Jewish pilgrims from around the world will arrive in the Ukrainian city to celebrate the Jewish New Year.

Hasidic boys in traditional peis smile as they pose for a photo.

Street dancing is an essential part of the celebrations.

Tradition dictates that a Hasidic Jew should come to the grave of Reb Nachman at least once, preferably to mark New Year's.

The streets of the Ukrainian city Uman are crowded with Jewish pilgrims

Older and younger pilgrims meet for talks in the streets

Prayers in synagogue

In the synagogue are mostly men, women have a separate entrance and it is forbidden to photograph them.

A young Hasidic pilgrim adjusts his hat.

This year, the Jewish New Year according to the Gregorian calendar will come on October 3 and last for two days. However, Jews celebrate all holidays from sunset on the eve of the celebration, so Rosh Hashanah this year is celebrated from the evening of October 2 to the evening of October 4. It will be the year 5785 for Jews.