'You're A Whore,' Zhirinovsky Barks At Sobchak During Presidential Debate

Ksenia Sobchak

Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Ksenia Sobchak clashed at the first Russian presidential TV debate, with the ultranationalist leader calling Sobchak a "whore" after being doused by her with water.

The debate was aired nationwide by state-run Channel One on February 28.

Tensions between the two began to rise while another candidate, Sergei Baburin, was speaking.

Zhirinovsky interrupted him, and Sobchak scolded him to be quiet. Angered, Zhirinovsky launched into a verbal assault of Sobchak, who fired back asking whether he “really believed that a man can speak to a woman like that?”

After that, Sobchak doused Zhirinovsky with water, triggering his profane language.

During the debate, Sobchak also reminded Zhirinovsky that a member of his Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LPDR), Leonid Slutsky, was facing allegations of sexual harassment. He responded by asking Sobchak whether she had seen anything firsthand.

The debate, formally dedicated to foreign policy issues, was held on February 27 but only broadcast nationally a day later on February 28.

While all seven challengers participated, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is widely expected to win the March 18 presidential election, did not take part in the debate.

With reporting by Meduza.io