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Yugoslavia: Opposition Leader Says He Survived Assassination Attempt

Belgrade, 4 October 1999 (RFE/RL) - Serbian opposition leader Vuk Draskovic says he has survived an assassination attempt. Three of Draskovic's bodyguards and his brother-in-law were killed yesterday when two cars carrying the men were hit by a truck which apparently swerved onto the wrong side of the road on a highway south of Belgrade. Draskovic suffered minor injuries and was the only survivor. A lawyer (Borivoje Borovic) for Draskovic's party said the driver of the truck had disappeared and that police were searching for him. Draskovic said those who organized the attempt on his life "should consider what will happen to them." He did not elaborate. Draskovic, who earlier this year was fired from the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, heads the Serbian Renewal Movement, one wing of the divided opposition. He has refused to join daily street protests organized by the Alliance for Change (SZP) coalition, arguing that elections are the best way to force Milosevic from power. The SZP last night rallied against Milosevic in Belgrade for the 13th consecutive day. Police again blocked some 15,000 people from marching, but there was no replay of last week's violence between police and demonstrators. Thousands of anti-Milosevic demonstrators also gathered in the northern town of Novi Sad.