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Iraqis hold posters of outgoing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in support of him in Baghdad.
Iraqis hold posters of outgoing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in support of him in Baghdad.

Live Blog: Iraq In Turmoil

Final Summary

-- German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier says EU foreign ministers gave their support for arms deliveries to Kurdish authorities during emergency talks in Brussels.

-- Iraq's leading Shi'ite religious figure, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, delivered a sermon in which he backed Prime Minister-designate Abadi. He said the transition was a rare chance to improve security and unity in Iraq.

-- U.S. President Barack Obama said the situation for Yazidis on Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq has greatly improved since last week when he ordered air strikes to relieve pressure on the refugees from militants of the Islamic State.

-- The U.S. has praised Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for deciding not to stay in his post, calling it a "major step forward" in uniting Iraq. Maliki announced early today in a national television address that he was "withdrawing" his candidacy for the post of prime minister in favor of Abadi.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Iraq

11:42 12.8.2014

11:20 12.8.2014

Maliki Remains Defiant

Maliki spoke in Baghdad last evening, reiterating that Abadi's selection was "unconstitutional."

"We are faced with a dangerous violation of the constitution. We have proof and evidence that we are the biggest bloc in parliament, according to the ruling of the federal court. This is the first session [of parliament], we are the State of Law [Coalition] and we have a candidate."

11:02 12.8.2014

More from Shamkhani:

"The framework provided by the Iraqi constitution stipulates that the prime minister has been chosen by the majority group in the parliament."

Shamkhani also called on "all groups and coalitions in Iraq to protect the national interest," taking into account the need to "deal with external threats."

10:47 12.8.2014

10:25 12.8.2014

Iran backs Abadi

Iran has been a key ally of Maliki. But today it backed the legal process to pick Abadi as new head of government.

Ali Shamkhani, secretary and representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Iran's Supreme National Security Council, made the remarks at a meeting of Iranian ambassadors in Tehran, according to Iran's Fars news agency.

Iranian officials have recently said that Maliki was no longer able to hold Iraq together and that an alternative leader was needed to fight the rapidly expanding IS.

10:06 12.8.2014


A Radio Free Iraq correspondent from Mosul:

Most of the reaction among Mosul residents to Abadi's selection as prime minister-designate has been favorable. They expect him to be an auspicious leader who will bring justice and unity following the Shi'ite-led administration of Maliki which marginalized Sunnis and Kurds. Not all are optimistic. Some say Abadi's appointment will not change much and that foreigners will continue to dominate political decision-making in the country.

09:32 12.8.2014

UN human rights experts: “Immediate action needed to protect human rights of Yazidis in grave danger”

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has issued a press release calling for immediate action to protect the human rights of Yazidis and other affected communities in Iraq.

Special Rapporteur on minority issues, Rita Izsák: “All possible measures must be taken urgently to avoid a mass atrocity and potential genocide within days or hours – civilians need to be protected on the ground and escorted out of situations of extreme peril. The responsibility to protect populations at risk of atrocity crimes falls both on the Iraqi Government and the international community.”

Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons, Chaloka Beyani: “We are witnessing a tragedy of huge proportions unfolding in which thousands of people are at immediate risk of death by violence or by hunger and thirst. Humanitarian aid must be delivered quickly and no efforts should be spared to protect all groups forcefully displaced by this conflict."

Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns: “We cannot stand by in the face of such atrocities. International actors must do all in their power to support those on the ground with the capacity to protect lives.”

Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion and belief, Heiner Bielefeldt: “Freedom of religion and belief is being denied in the most gross and systematic way possible – through the attempted extermination of religious minorities.”

Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Rashida Manjoo: “We have reports of women being executed and unverified reports that strongly suggest that hundreds of women and children have been kidnapped – many of the teenagers have been sexually assaulted, and women have been assigned or sold to ‘IS’ fighters as ‘malak yamiin’ or slaves. Such violations are crimes against humanity that must be stopped and punished.”

09:21 12.8.2014

08:53 12.8.2014

Iraqis: "Thank You U.S.A"

Dozens of Iraqis gathered in front of the U.S. consulate in Irbil, capital of autonomous Kurdistan region, to thank the United States for its support to Kurdish Peshmerga forces against IS militants. Produced by Radio Free Iraq

Iraqis: "Thank You USA"
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08:40 12.8.2014

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