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Iraqis hold posters of outgoing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in support of him in Baghdad.
Iraqis hold posters of outgoing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in support of him in Baghdad.

Live Blog: Iraq In Turmoil

Final Summary

-- German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier says EU foreign ministers gave their support for arms deliveries to Kurdish authorities during emergency talks in Brussels.

-- Iraq's leading Shi'ite religious figure, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, delivered a sermon in which he backed Prime Minister-designate Abadi. He said the transition was a rare chance to improve security and unity in Iraq.

-- U.S. President Barack Obama said the situation for Yazidis on Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq has greatly improved since last week when he ordered air strikes to relieve pressure on the refugees from militants of the Islamic State.

-- The U.S. has praised Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for deciding not to stay in his post, calling it a "major step forward" in uniting Iraq. Maliki announced early today in a national television address that he was "withdrawing" his candidacy for the post of prime minister in favor of Abadi.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Iraq

15:28 14.8.2014

15:19 14.8.2014

14:37 14.8.2014

Situation on Mount Sanjir still desperate

Kurdish officials and Yazidi refugees have said that thousands of desperate Yazidis remain trapped on Mount Sanjir despite the Pentagon backing away from launching a rescue mission to save them.

Farhad Atruchi, governor of the Kurdistan’s Dahuk province, where most of the Yazidis have fled, told the "Washington Post" that he disagreed with the Pentagon's assessment:

“For me, this is not correct. I don’t know the exact number, whether it is 10,000 or 15,000 or 5,000, but they are there. Everyone knows that under the sun, the heat, these people are suffering, and still the international community is not moving. What will happen is that they will die, especially the children, the kids.”

14:21 14.8.2014

Situation improving on Mount Sanjir

Ben Rhodes, the deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications & Speechwriting, says situation on Mount Sanjir is improving. He mirrors the assessment of American officials who recently visited Sanjir, where thousands of Yazadis are believed to be stranded.

13:48 14.8.2014

UN agencies

UN agencies have been working around the clock for the past two weeks. Here is a summary of what the various agencies have been doing:

-- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has reached 166,000 people. Since August 1, it provided shelter and relief items to 30,000 people in the Kurdistan region, including those escaping Mount Sinjar.

-- World Food Programme (WFP) has established 4 field kitchens and is feeding over 100,000 people per day, totalling over 1.6 million meals in Dahuk Governorate.

-- United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has moved 30 truckloads of relief supplies closer to areas where displaced people are arriving. In total, 60 tons of emergency aid are prepared. UNICEF has delivered aid to 73,000 children, women and their families.

-- World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting local health authorities in the field, with two mobile health teams on Mount Sinjar and emergency relief at Pesh Khabur, where 16 ambulances are transporting those arriving, and mobile clinics providing emergency health care to the displaced across Dahuk Governorate.

-- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is working to distribute hygiene supplies and clothing to over 1,300 pregnant women as well as medical supplies to support 150,000 people.

-- International Organization for Migration (IOM) is transporting IDPs from affected areas to agreed safe areas. Over the last 48 hours, 2,121 IDPs have been provided with transportation. Between 4 and 12 August, IOM reached 15,000 beneficiaries.

13:17 14.8.2014


12:57 14.8.2014

12:42 14.8.2014

KRG President Visits Frontlines

12:19 14.8.2014

Report: Britain deploys special forces in Iraq

Britain’s “Daily Telegraph” newspaper reports today that the British government has deployed Special Air Service (SAS) forces in northern Iraq.

The newspaper cites Britain's trade envoy to Iraq, Emma Nicholson, as saying that SAS officers, the army's special forces regiment, were working with U.S. troops to gather intelligence and had been in Iraq for “six weeks or more.”

Britain's Ministry of Defense said did not comment on the story.

Britain has sent military planes and helicopters to the region to help deliver humanitarian aid.

You can read the full story here.

11:55 14.8.2014

Political transition

RFE/RL's Radio Free Iraq spoke exclusively to figures from four major blocs about the political transition in the country and their reaction to Abadi's nomination:

Spokesman for the Supreme Islamic Council's "Citizen" bloc, Baligh Abu Gulel:

"A seven-man committee representing all the major factions has been formed to agree on the ground rules for forming the new government."

Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Masoud Barzani's media adviser, Kifah Mahmoud:

"We support PM designate Haider al Abadi's efforts to form a new government but it is premature to send a KRG delegation to Baghdad in this connection."

Mohammed al Khalidi, leading member of the Sunni "United for Reform" bloc:

"We will support Haider al Abadi in his efforts to form a new government in light of his response to our demands."

Leading member of Maliki's State of Law faction Kadhum al Sayyad:

"We suggest to wait for the federal court to rule on Maliki's complaint that nominating Haider al Aabdi as prime minister was unconstitutional before we proceed any further."

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