Marching For The Tsar
Ninety-nine years after the execution of Nicholas II and his family, thousands in central Russia march in memory of Russia's last tsar.

Marchers carry crosses as the procession moves through central Yekaterinburg.

Bullwhip in hand, a Cossack walks ahead of the procession. The marchers followed the route taken by the Bolsheviks as they drove the bodies to a forest north of Yekaterinburg for a hasty burial.

A boy walks beneath the yellow, black, and white flag of Imperial Russia.

Tsar Nicholas II is an increasingly popular figure in Russia, complicating the country's upcoming centenary of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

Images of the tsar and his family were vigorously repressed during the Soviet era.

A woman kisses a cross with a portrait of the tsar, tsarina, and their five children. In 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized the Romanov family.

Marchers with a carved cross at the site where investigators discovered the bodies of Russia's last royal family.