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Armenian President Sarkisian Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Armenian President Armen Sarkisian
Armenian President Armen Sarkisian

Armenian President Armen Sarkisian has become the latest world leader with coronavirus, testing positive during a visit to London.

The 67-year-old traveled for leg surgery to the British capital, where he experienced symptoms associated with the coronavirus, Armenian news agencies reported on January 5.

Sarkisian, who has largely ceremonial powers, is self-isolating and continues to work, media reported.

RFE/RL's Coronavirus Crisis Archive

Features and analysis, videos, and infographics explore how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the countries in our region.

London is experiencing a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases as a new, more contagious strain spreads through the capital and southern regions of England.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on January 4 announced another lockdown for England to contain the spread.

Sarkisian joins a long list of world leaders and officials who have contracted coronavirus since the outbreak of the pandemic, including Johnson and U.S. President Donald Trump.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian tested positive for coronavirus last year.

Armenia has reported more than 160,000 cases of COVID-19 and more than 2,800 deaths from the disease.

Based on reporting by Armenpress

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