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Kyrgyz Presidential Candidate Says Campaign Banners Burned

Kyrgyz presidential candidate Adakhan Madumarov
Kyrgyz presidential candidate Adakhan Madumarov
BISHKEK -- A Kyrgyz presidential candidate has complained that his banners and campaign billboards are being destroyed in northern Kyrgyzstan, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

Bekibai Mamytov, a representative of candidate Adakhan Madumarov, told RFE/RL today that, since October 2, unknown persons have been destroying all Madumarov's election campaign banners and billboards in the towns of Tokmok, Balykchy, Kant, and Naryn.

Nurmamat Ashymov of Kyrgyzstan's Central Election Commission (BSK) confirmed to RFE/RL that the commission has received a formal complaint from Madumarov's election campaign team. He said a BSK working group is investigating that complaint.

"After the working group reaches a conclusion, all the materials will be sent to law enforcement officials to investigate the case. We do not have the right to try to locate the perpetrators and punish them; that is the responsibility of the law enforcement organs," Ashymov told RFE/RL.

Madumarov, who is from southern Kyrgyzstan, is the leader of the opposition United Kyrgyzstan Party.

Last month, Deputy Interior Minister Melis Turganbaev told RFE/RL that Madumarov, along with two other former top officials, would be questioned in connection with the killing of opposition politician Medet Sadyrkulov in 2009. Madumarov was Security Council secretary at the time.

The presidential election is scheduled for October 30. The election campaign officially started on September 25. Twenty presidential candidates have been registered to date, and a further five are still trying to prove their eligibility for the ballot.

Read more in Kyrgyz here