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Floods Damage Houses In Northeastern Kyrgyzstan

A woman surveys flood damage in Kyrgyzstan's Naryn region on March 29.
A woman surveys flood damage in Kyrgyzstan's Naryn region on March 29.
AT-BASHY, Kyrgyzstan -- More than 160 homes have been flooded in northeastern Kyrgyzstan near the Chinese border, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

The flooding took place in the villages of Ak-Moyun and Ak-Muz in the At-Bashy district of the Naryn region. The high waters were caused by warm weather, which melted snow and ice in nearby mountains.

Most of the damage was in Ak-Moyun, where it was reported that 158 homes were flooded and some 26 sheep killed.

The chairman of the Ak-Moyun village government, Orozbek Kerimkulov, said that everything is being done to assist the families affected by the disaster.

Read more in Kyrgyz here