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Kyrgyz Veterans Hold Hunger Strike Over Social Allowances

BISHKEK -- Two Kyrgyz Army veterans have started a hunger strike in Bishkek to demand overdue social allowances, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

One of the veterans protesting in central Bishkek, Anvar Sarytaev, told RFE/RL that the government must pay social allowances for veterans that have not been paid since 1994.

He added that the lower utilities fee for army veterans should be reestablished. The government stopped the cheaper utilities fees for veterans as of January 1.

Sarytaev said that today's hunger strike was just a one-day warning action.

If the demands were not met, he said veterans from across Kyrgyzstan would gather in central Bishkek on January 10 for a mass protest rally.

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