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People light candles at a makeshift memorial at Brussels' Place de la Bourse.
People light candles at a makeshift memorial at Brussels' Place de la Bourse.

Live Blog: Brussels Attacks

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-- Belgian authorities have identified the bombers. Federal prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw has said that Ibrahim El Bakraoui blew himself up at the airport. His brother Khalid blew himself up in a subway car at Maalbeek station in central Brussels.

-- The two men shown pushing baggage carts with Ibrahim El Bakraoui in security-camera footage have yet to be identified.

-- Belgian media, which earlier reported the arrest of a prime suspect in the attacks, said the person detained was not, in fact, Najim Laachraoui.

-- Belgium is observing three days of mourning after bomb blasts in Brussels killed at least 34 people and wounded more than 200.

Public broadcaster RTBF: House searches ongoing in Brussels following blasts.

A Belgian police vehicle driving past passengers who are evacuating the Brussels Airport of Zaventem.
A Belgian police vehicle driving past passengers who are evacuating the Brussels Airport of Zaventem.

Via dpa:

French President Francois Hollande says, "we are faced with a global threat," after the terrorist attacks in Brussels.

"The war against terrorism must be conducted across Europe," he adds.

via Reuters:

A Slovenian diplomat was injured in the Brussels attacks on Tuesday, Slovenian Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec said.

Erjavec told a news conference that the diplomat, who he did not name, was in hospital and his life was not in danger.

Media reports said the diplomat was injured in the metro blast on his way to work.

Photos of the attacks in Brussels today.

A closer look at the locations of the Brussels bomb blasts today.

A map of Brussels bomb blasts.
A map of Brussels bomb blasts.

Via AP:

Belgian prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw says at least one of the airport blasts was probably caused by a suicide bomber.

Via AFP:

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said Brussels was hit by two "blind, violent and cowardly" attacks on its airport and metro system which left many dead and wounded.

"Two attacks took place this morning in Zaventam airport and Maalbeek metro station, blind, violent, cowardly attacks," Michel announced on national television.

"There are many dead and many wounded, some of them seriously," he said, with the death toll so far put at 21.

Our correspondent Rikard Jozwiak live from Brussels.

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