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Moscow Airport Bombing Victim Says State Abandoned Him

ST. PETERSBURG -- A Russian man injured during the suicide-bomb attack at Moscow's Domodedovo airport two weeks ago says the government failed to fulfill its promises to him, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports.

Denis Zhulyev of St. Petersburg claims he was released from a Moscow hospital before his wounds had healed. He said he still has at least five bomb fragments in his body that doctors said they could not remove without causing nerve and other damage.

Zhulyev added that he has a chronic headache and that many of his broken bones have not healed. He said he needs up to three months to recover from his injuries.

Zhulyev claimed he was discharged from the hospital so he could be classified him as someone who sustained "light" injuries as opposed to "medium" injuries, which would entitle him to some 500,000 rubles ($17,000) in compensation.

He said this classification is illogical considering his injuries.

Nataliya Yevdokimova of the Human Rights Defense Center in St. Petersburg told RFE/RL that in the beginning officials in St. Petersburg helped Zhulyev's parents, paying for their round-trip flight to Moscow to visit their son in the hospital. But since then the authorities' assistance has diminished.

"It's typical campaigning," said Yevdokimova. "To begin with, they promise everything and then it all falls through. It's been like this with everything that has to do with various cataclysms [in Russia]. That's our mentality."

The January 24 suicide bombing at Domodedovo airport killed 36 and injured dozens of others.

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