Putin: This year we've increased subsides for loans to agricultural producers. Lists other measures as well. As for why it doesn't reach you, we have to look at your region specifically. We will see what else we can do and "we'll talk to your governor."
British farmer John says he respects Putin a lot, but is struggling with dairy farm. Says he shouldn't trust statistics his advisors give him.
Putin: We of course believe the statistics, but will do more to help you (also asks, how did you get here?).
Here's our story on John Kopiski, the farmer challenging Putin.
Lawyer for Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko jokes that Snowden seems to look different this year.
Farmer says "we're not talking about markets...we want to be closer to consumers...cities could provide us with kiosks."
Putin on lifting ban of S-300 missile sales to Iran. Seems to blame Medvedev for original ban.
Putin: In 2010 Medvedev suspended a deal agreed to in 2006. But Iranians have demonstrated flexibility so we have decided to make this decision. Sanctions don't include military weapons like S-300s. Suspending the sales earlier was a goodwill gesture on our part.
On Israel: This is not a threat to Israel -- this is defensive, not offensive equipment.
(Israel says the S-300s will allow Iran to protect nuclear sites from air strikes. Putin announced the lifting of the ban on Monday)
Putin says perhaps the government should help such people, but aid shouldn't be higher than those who take it out in rubles.
Anchor steps up in mortgage-takers defense. Says some banks don't give loans in rubles.
An angry commuter
Aleksei: You promised to set the commuter train schedule in order, but it never happened in our area. Our commuter train was cancelled a year ago. How can young people live in the village if there are no trains?
Putin: My only answer is that I agree with you. It's "completely unacceptable." We'll dig deeper into details. But commuter transportation is a loss-making enterprise. The whole infrastructure was raised. Regions were not able to pay. Of course I was angry. No one had made a forecast for that or analyzed the unintended consequences. I will definitely look into this.
Putin on wether Boris should buy Elena a dog
Putin: Military men are real heroes but sometimes they don't understand the better sex. That said I can't tell your husband what to do. Maybe we can work out an action plan. Perhaps we can ask Boris together, in a friendly way. On the other hand Elena may say, "I'll do what you say, my husband" and he'll surprise her with an elephant and a fur coat.