Serbia Begins Rescue Of Stranded Livestock On Danube Island
- By AP
An evacuation effort to save hundreds of cattle and horses stranded on an island in the Danube has begun near the town of Novi Sad in Serbia.

Pictured on January 9, horses and cattle have been stranded for days due to high water on the Krcedinska Ada island, some 40 kilometers northwest of the Serbian capital, Belgrade.

Farmers transport the stranded cattle off the island. The plight of the trapped animals, around 130 in total, has attracted widespread media coverage in Serbia.

These are Podolian cattle, known for their distinctive horns. Ranchers frequently allow them to graze on the island for days or weeks at a time.

With river levels higher than normal, the animals were unable to walk to the shore.

After appeals from local ranchers, a state-run organization that takes care of forests and waterways in northern Serbia supplied a barge.

Around 20 local cattle ranchers came to the island to lend a hand in evacuating and feeding the animals.

After crossing on the ferry, the cattle head to higher ground where they can graze.

According to local ranchers, rescuing all the stranded animals could take several days.