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Three Detained In Threat Against Tajik Female Teachers

RASHT, Tajikistan -- Officials in Tajikistan's restive Rasht district say three people have been detained on suspicion of vandalizing a school and leaving a note threatening female teachers with death if they do not stop teaching.

The threat sparked concern in Rasht, which is a former stronghold of the Islamic opposition the Central Asian nation and has remained volatile since a 1992-1997 civil war.

But officials said on April 21 that the incident was motivated by "personal issues" and had nothing to do with religion or extremism.

Deputy district chairwoman Zumrad Loikova (eds: a woman) said late on April 20 that a female teacher at the Kamarob village school, her brother, and the school's watchman are suspected of carrying out the vandalism attack.

She did not disclose a potential motive.

The vandals who left the threatening letter at the school over the weekend also burned two maps of Tajikistan and school news bulletins.

Tajikistan is a mostly Muslim former Soviet republic with secural rule.