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A Ukrainian serviceman stands guard in the city of Schastye in the Luhansk region late last month.
A Ukrainian serviceman stands guard in the city of Schastye in the Luhansk region late last month.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (Archive)

Final News Summary For September 1, 2017

-- EDITOR'S NOTE: We have started a new Ukraine Live Blog as of September 2, 2017. Find it here.

-- Ukraine says it will introduce new border-crossing rules from next year, affecting citizens of “countries that pose risks for Ukraine.”

-- The Association Agreement strengthening ties between Ukraine and the European Union entered into force on September 1, marking an end to four years of political drama surrounding the accord.

-- The trial of Crimean journalist Mykola Semena will resume later this month after the first hearing in weeks produced little progress toward a resolution of the politically charged case.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Kyiv (GMT +3)

11:57 16.1.2017

Here another video from the Associated Press of Joe Biden's visit to Kyiv today:

Biden: Keep Sanctions On Russia For 'Aggression' In Ukraine

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden called on the international community to maintain economic sanctions against Russia for what he called its continued "aggression" in Ukraine. Biden made the comment following a meeting with Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko on January 16 in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.

Biden: Keep Sanctions On Russia For 'Aggression' In Ukraine
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11:54 16.1.2017

Here is today's map of the latest situation in the Donbas conflict zone, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry:

11:45 16.1.2017

10:34 16.1.2017

Here's a video of Biden's visit to Kyiv today from the Associated Press:

Biden Urges Ukraine To 'Root Out' Corruption

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden urged Ukrainian leaders to continue their fight against corruption and cronyism. Following a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv on January 16, Biden called on the country's politicians to place the public good above personal gain.

Biden Urges Ukraine To 'Root Out' Corruption
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10:20 16.1.2017

Of general interest:

09:51 16.1.2017

Biden Blasts Russian Aggression, Hopes Trump Will Support Ukraine

By Christopher Miller

KYIV -- Making his final visit to Kyiv as U.S. vice president, Joe Biden on January 16 urged the international community to stand against what he called Russian aggression and urged the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump to be a strong supporter of Ukraine.

Biden was on his sixth visit to Kyiv and his fifth since the Euromaidan protests in 2013-14 forced Moscow-friendly President Viktor Yanukovych to flee and a pro-Western government came to power.

He said U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia for its seizure of the Crimean Peninsula and its involvement in a war between government forces and pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine must remain in place until Moscow fully implements its commitments under a 2015 peace deal known as the Minsk accords.

Biden said he knows that it is hard to find faith in the Minsk process when Russia refuses to hold up its end of the deal, but that "it is Ukraine's best hope to move forward as a united country."

Speaking beside his "good friend," President Petro Poroshenko, the outgoing vice president said Ukraine must keep demonstrating its commitment to the rule of law and fighting corruption.

He urged Ukrainians to insist on transparency and "investigate and prosecute government officials who siphon off funds for their own enrichment."

Poroshenko thanked Biden for his unwavering support of Ukraine and thanked the United States for the expansion of sanctions against Russia last week.

With reporting by Reuters
09:16 16.1.2017


U.S. Vice President Joe Biden says in Kyiv that the international community must stand against Russian aggression and that he hopes President-elect Donald Trump's administration will strongly support Ukraine.

08:51 16.1.2017

08:41 16.1.2017

08:40 16.1.2017

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