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A Ukrainian serviceman stands guard in the city of Schastye in the Luhansk region late last month.
A Ukrainian serviceman stands guard in the city of Schastye in the Luhansk region late last month.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (Archive)

Final News Summary For September 1, 2017

-- EDITOR'S NOTE: We have started a new Ukraine Live Blog as of September 2, 2017. Find it here.

-- Ukraine says it will introduce new border-crossing rules from next year, affecting citizens of “countries that pose risks for Ukraine.”

-- The Association Agreement strengthening ties between Ukraine and the European Union entered into force on September 1, marking an end to four years of political drama surrounding the accord.

-- The trial of Crimean journalist Mykola Semena will resume later this month after the first hearing in weeks produced little progress toward a resolution of the politically charged case.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Kyiv (GMT +3)

11:28 17.1.2017

11:17 17.1.2017

09:29 17.1.2017

Yes, a bit off-topic, but impossible to resist:

09:28 17.1.2017

09:27 17.1.2017

08:45 17.1.2017

08:43 17.1.2017

08:12 17.1.2017

Poroshenko warns delays causing disillusionment with EU:


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has warned that Ukrainians may become disillusioned with their pro-European path if the European Union further delays closer integration with Kyiv.

The EU agreed to provide visa waivers for Ukrainians last month after weeks of stalling, but the decision has not gone into effect.

"To delay further would be flagrantly unfair as Ukraine has paid a high price," Poroshenko told foreign ambassadors to Ukraine on January 16.

"It would also be dangerous because more unreasonable delays would undermine Ukrainians' faith in Europe. This is exactly what Russia wants," he said, adding that Ukraine's EU Association Agreement also should be ratified.

Delays have raised criticism that the bloc was reneging on pledges to help Ukraine as it seeks to move away from Moscow's orbit in the wake of a 2013 uprising that ousted a Kremlin-backed president.

After the change in power, Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimea region and is accused by Kyiv and NATO of fueling a pro-Russia separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine.

"We are all witnesses to efforts to build a new iron curtain and it is today's Russia that is building it," Poroshenko said. (w/ Reuters)

21:29 16.1.2017

This ends our live blogging for January 16. Be sure to check back tomorrow for our continuing coverage.

21:28 16.1.2017

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