Talking to an elderly lady on the bus. There are two questions: how will it all end and what's going to happeh after #euromaidan?
— Denys Lukoshkin (@DLukoshkin) December 11, 2013
EU Commission spokesman Olivier Bailly on PM Azarov's plea for 20 billion euros:
"We have also seen different figures flying around when it comes to compensation or aid that would be necessary to Ukraine to help the implementation of an agreement with the European Union. We will not discuss figures, we will not comment on these figures. We consider that this agreement is good for Ukraine's prosperity, this agreement is about investment, this agreement is about prosperity in the future of Ukraine. We are not going to play with figure and have an escalation of figures. We consider that Ukraine's prosperity and Ukraine's future cannot be subject to a call of tender where the highest bidder will get a prize."
"We have also seen different figures flying around when it comes to compensation or aid that would be necessary to Ukraine to help the implementation of an agreement with the European Union. We will not discuss figures, we will not comment on these figures. We consider that this agreement is good for Ukraine's prosperity, this agreement is about investment, this agreement is about prosperity in the future of Ukraine. We are not going to play with figure and have an escalation of figures. We consider that Ukraine's prosperity and Ukraine's future cannot be subject to a call of tender where the highest bidder will get a prize."
Is this the kind of company you want to keep, President Yanukovych?
#Ukraine is most corrupt country in Europe, behind Belarus & Russia according to the CPI #stopthecorrupt http://t.co/IMxITCJ7Fl #euromaidan
— Transparency Int'l (@anticorruption) December 11, 2013
Lithuanian FM Linas Linkevicius: "The Ukrainian authorities to a greater degree have lost their credibility with the European Union."
German FM Guido Westerwelle: "A real political dialogue must now be launched, not just continually promised."
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland visiting Independence Square today, after police had cleared away the protest camp overnight. She offered food to security forces and to protesters:
Now leading HuffPost: RIOT POLICE BACK DOWN IN KIEV http://t.co/3UKdtIBbrK pic.twitter.com/warcEIgkEt
— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) December 11, 2013
The deputy chairman of Ukraine's opposition Batkivshchyna (Fatherland) party, Hryhoriy Nemyrya, has left for Strasbourg to meet with European Parliament members and EU politicians. Batkivshchyna officials say Nemyrya, who is the chairman of Ukraine's parliamentary Committee for European Integration, left Kyiv on Wednesday at the request of the party's jailed chairwoman, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
Daily protest dog calls for impeaching authorities.
Пес даже и не подозревает #євромайдан pic.twitter.com/qulLuOhcgN
— Paulina Leonovich (@Polly_evro) December 11, 2013
In connection with the request for 20 billion euros in EU aid, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov says, according to Reuters, "We suggest that the European Union invest in mutually profitable projects such as the modernization and development of European transport corridors, and the creation of a new corridor to the Caucasus."
Someone doesn't think much of Russian channel Rossiya 24's coverage of the Ukrainian protests.
Дивився російські ТВ .. вони самі собі вірять?! #Євромайдан #новости #euromaidan pic.twitter.com/y181a1RBBj
— Константин Медяник (@Kostya_Medyanik) December 11, 2013